Wednesday, December 12, 2007 12-12-7

So can continue providing important information and insights during Election Year 2008, editor Robert Parry is setting a goal for the end-of-year fund drive at $50,000.

If you can afford to help, your tax-deductible contribution will make it possible for us to do all we can to ensure that Election 2008 isn't decided, again, by dirty tricks and trivia. We plan to react quickly to the kinds of ugly distortions that shaped the outcomes in 2000 and 2004.

An example was our immediate response to the Washington Post's disgraceful decision to give respectful, front-page treatment to right-wing smears accusing Barack Obama of a secret Muslim allegiance. Within hours, the Post was on the defensive, trying to explain its rationale for spreading these scurrilous rumors.

So please donate as much as you can to keep going. You can use a credit card at the Web site or you can send a check to:

Consortium for Independent Journalism (CIJ); Suite 102-231; 2200 Wilson Blvd.; Arlington VA 22201.

You also can make donations via PayPal directed to our PayPal account, which is named after our e-mail address, ""

For a donation of $100, we will send you a signed paperback gift copy of our new book, Neck Deep: The Disastrous Presidency of George W. Bush. Or you can request as a substitution, either a signed copy of Robert Parry's Lost History or his Secrecy & Privilege.

For a donation of $150 or more, we will send you a signed hard cover copy of Neck Deep. Or you can request one of the substitutions.

Consortium for Independent Journalism, which publishes, is a 501-c-3 non-profit, meaning that contributions are tax-deductible.

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