Tuesday, September 9, 2008

THE REAL McCAIN: Less Jobs, More Wars

Dear Friends and Fellow Citizens,

After the big speech from John McCain last night, here's something you didn't hear. Presenting THE REAL McCAIN: Big Oil Fuels The Straight Talk Express.

Concerned that the real John McCain story was not being told, Robert Greenwald and his team at Brave New Films decided they HAD to do something about it, so they did some extensive research on his flip-flopping. The result is a series of short films laying bare the fallacy of the straight-talk label that has been attached to McCain like a Siamese Twin for the better part of a decade.

The results have been truly spectacular, entering record-breaking territory. Within a week of its debut on the web over 1 million people viewed (and included on this DVD) The Real McCain 2. It's been the #1 most viewed video on YouTube, #1 on the viral video chart, and the #2 story on the Digg Election 2008 page. Brave New Films is now reaching an audience that most cable news shows only dream of.

This DVD compiles the shorts and adds exclusive on-camera instruction and commentary from key progressive leaders including MoveOn's Eli Pariser, Democracy For America's Jim Dean and Greenwald himself. They show the viewer how to use these short films to maximum effect.

THE REAL McCAIN: Less Jobs, More Wars

Produced by The Disinformation Company.

Available NOW wherever DVDs are sold.

For review copies please contact dvd@disinfo.com.

About the Disinformation Company

The Disinformation Company was founded in 1997 on the strength of the ever-popular Disinformation website (www.disinfo.com). The company is active in television and film production, book publishing, theatrical releasing, home entertainment, and is currently developing its first video game.

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