Friday, September 11, 2009

Mr. Roff, 9/11 Truthers Are No “Fringe” Movement

Mr. Roff, 9/11 Truthers Are No “Fringe” Movement
U.S. News & World Report hit piece omits that fact that the majority of the 9/11 Commission members question the official story
Paul Joseph Watson
Wednesday, September 9, 2009

An acerbic attack on Charlie Sheen for the crime of questioning the official story behind 9/11, a sentiment shared by the majority of Americans and indeed the majority of the 9/11 Commission itself, appearing in U.S. News and World Report this morning relies upon cliched and completely unfounded terms of reference in a poor effort to smear Sheen as part of a “conspiracy fringe”.

In his hit piece, author Peter Roff labels 9/11 truth as an “extremist theory” and compares its adherents with those who believe Lee Harvey Oswald did not act alone in killing Kennedy.

So that’ll be over two thirds of the entire population of the U.S. then, Mr. Roff! In what possible way can this be described as “fringe” thinking?

An ABC News poll conducted on the 40th anniversary of the JFK assassination found that 7 in 10 Americans believe that the murder of Kennedy was the result of a wider plot, not the lone actions of Oswald.

The establishment media are still operating under a deluded and contrived perception of public opinion that has no correlation whatsoever to reality itself.

Roff goes on to reference Van Jones and dismiss 9/11 truthers as a “fringe element” but concedes that they are politically influential and that establishment Democrats and Republicans “need to deal with them”.

Just by coincidence, while arguing that 9/11 truthers represent a “fringe element,” Roff fails to mention that the majority of American citizens doubt the official government version of events.

He also fails to acknowledge the fact, as strongly emphasized in Charlie Sheen’s letter to the President, that the majority of the 9/11 Commission members publicly denounced the official story and stated that the government agreed not to tell the truth.

He also conveniently fails to highlight the fact that literally thousands of credible individuals both in and out of government, military leaders, intelligence professionals, legal scholars, architects and engineers, have all publicly questioned the official 9/11 story.

If there was every any doubt that people with serious questions about 9/11 are the majority, a cacophony of respondents moved quickly to slam Roff’s hit piece within minutes of it being posted.

“I challenge anyone to refute any of the 20 claims that Charlie Sheen makes. He has done his research and knows what he is talking about. Argue him on the facts. Don’t resort to baseless ad hominem attacks or throw up straw men,” wrote one.

“You can say what ever you want about the truth movement. Just recognize that 60% of the 911 commission says the 911 commission report is a FRAUD!!” added another.

“Charlie Sheen brings up a lot of insightful points and questions in this creative piece. There remain a lot of unanswered questions about this awful day that now dictates the geopolitical strategy of powerhouse nations,” writes another.

Establishment talking heads like Roff, idly strolling through their careers on the gravy train of corporate media, remain blissfully unaware that their terms of reference and cliched quips about grassy knoll conspiracy theories are about three decades out of date. The establishment media is a complete laughing stock, which is why it is in terminal decline as more and more seek an alternative in the face of ceaseless government lies and propaganda, dutifully parroted by an ever-obedient fourth estate.

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