Friday, September 11, 2009


Necronomicon: A New Translation for a New Millennium
Edited by Joshua Free
With Foreword By Tracy R. Twyman
Copyright 2009


Ever since the visions of H.P. Lovecraft began to haunt the world, people from all walks of life have celebrated various interpretations of these musings.

We are shown a world shroud in darkness that has been materialized by primordial malignant gods who fought one another for control of the Universe and for the worship of the humans who brought to them sacrifices and abominable litanies.

But as many have already assumed, this Necronomicon tradition was indeed the product of Lovecraft's imagination, and it only much later became known as the Cthulhu Mythos, a haven for horror-fantasy genre authors.

For nearly a century thereafer, the Necronomicon remained a fictional product of dark fantasy until the famous "Simon" folio was presented to the world in 1977.

While many readers superimposed the Lovecraftian lore into their interpretation verbatim, this new document did not present rituals by which the malignant Ancient Ones would be unleashed into this world - in fact, it suggested the exact opposite: beneath the foundation of the esoteric mysteries exists a secret and sacred tradition to fight against this very act!

As an unfortunate move by its contemporary readership, the "Simonomicon" came under attack as being no more authentic than Lovecraft's own stories. More serious practitioners came to a more educated conclusion: the magickal notebook (or grimoire) was incomplete at best, alluding not to the Enlilite traditions common to the "Sumerians", but rather to a Mardukite tradition that was raised by the "Babylonians" in honor of Marduk, firstborn son of Enki.

Then, after the completion of the ARCANUM anthology in 2008, Joshua Free took on the role of "Nabu Maerdechai" and organized a occult research team in dedication to these mysteries called the Mardukite Chamberlains, which set out to uncover the truth behind the veils of centuries of misinformation about the backwaters of human consciousness including very specifically the role of the Anunaki or Sky Gods who appear at the heart of every ancient pantheon.

The range of the Mardukite work included lengthy discourses with other related published researchers, unceasing hours in abandoned corners of old libraries and museums, participation in sessions with other practicing occults and even a visit to the "tablet collections" at the University of Pennsylvania. The culminating results were nothing like anyone would have expected: an authentic and verifiable version of the Necronomicon salvaged from the shifting desert sands of time in the Middle East and Egypt, unparalleled by anything already available to True Seekers.

It appeared to be the most complete collection of ancient writings on the planet that formed the very foundation of all the human traditions and beliefs that would emerge thereafter.

Given this, we concluded that being the ancient source of our modern traditions that have had the meaning washed out of them, this path was the most perfect, complete and logical example we currently have to pursue on this planet!

This present edition of the Necronomicon, edited by Joshua Free, is not Lovecraftian or Simonian (while it could serve to offer validity to materials from both sources for those who seek it. Neither is it "dangerous" or a "hoax" (though those who fear the revelation of these truths for the world will think it the former and label it the later). This edition of the Necronomicon is the single most ancient and pure unaltered lore concerning the hottest topics of our time and all times, including divinity, creation, human origins, aliens, religion, pantheistic magickal traditions, alternate dimensions, portals and the afterlife. In this new millennium of uncertainties, it is most likely that the uncovering of the past will reveal our future.

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