Sunday, September 12, 2010

Bush Sr. on 11-22-63

(Melchizedek Communique, MC081310) George H.W. Bush, alias "Poppy" Bush, does not remember where he was on November 22, 1963, the day President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas. But Russ Baker, author of the book "Family Of Secrets", has established where he was.

In the Autumn of 1963, Poppy Bush was a candidate for the U.S. Senate, from Texas. He traveled all over Texas and opened a campaign headquarters in Dallas. It is now scarcely beyond doubt that Poppy was there on the morning of November 22, 1963.

But especially worrisome is how Poppy has disguised his whereabouts.

In 1988, The Nation magazine published an article: "George Bush of the CIA". A memo had surfaced. "The F.B.I. memorandum, dated November 29, 1963, is from Director J. Edgar Hoover to the State Department and is subject-headed 'Assassination of President John F. Kennedy November 22, 1963.' In it, Hoover reports that the Bureau had briefed 'Mr. George Bush of the Central Intelligence Agency' shortly after the assassination on the reaction of Cuban exiles in Miami." [1]

"It was some different George Bush," claimed the Poppy Gang. No it wasn't. It was Poppy Bush, a CIA boy since at least 1963.

About 6 weeks after The Nation report, on August 25, 1988, the San Francisco Examiner published a tiny article, "Documents: Bush Blew Whistle on Rival in JFK Slaying." A few hours after JFK was murdered, Poppy Bush phoned the FBI to offer his suspicions about one James Milton Parrott. Mr. Parrott, stated Poppy, had "been talking of killing the president." And Poppy added, seemingly incidentally, that he was phoning from Tyler, Texas. This established an official file placing him in Tyler, Texas on the fateful day. [2]

Barbara "Babs" Bush, wife of Poppy, in 1994 suddenly recalled where she and Poppy were on November 22, 1963: It was Tyler, Texas and she was getting her hair done. [2]

But a Mr. Joe Zeppa had lent Poppy his plane on November 22, 1963. That plane had flown from Dallas on the morning of JFK's assassination. When Poppy Bush phoned the FBI that afternoon, he indeed was in Tyler. But Poppy almost certainly had been in Dallas on the morning of President Kennedy's murder. [2]

So why couldn't Poppy remember where he was that day? And why did he, almost immediately after JFK had been shot, make certain to establish with the FBI that he was in Tyler -- got that? -- Tyler, Texas.

------- Notes -------
[1] "The Man Who Wasn't There, 'George Bush,' C.I.A. Operative", by Joseph McBride. The Nation, July 16/23, 1988
[2] Family of Secrets, by Russ Baker. New York: Bloomsbury Press, 2009

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