Friday, November 9, 2007


Thanks to for the following:

Discover why one M.D. says


And why you don't have to gulp it down by the gallon either.

Sure, drinking tons of water is great if you want to raise your stroke risk, bring on kidney failure, and encourage early Alzheimer's.

SURPRISED? But that's just one example of how MASS MEDIA MEDICINE is ruining our health. See inside! Next time anyone nags you to sweat, starve or give up your pleasures, turn the tables on them and ask:

IS YOUR CHOLESTEROL HIGH ENOUGH to avoid heart attacks and strokes?
ARE YOU GETTING ENOUGH SUN to prevent the world's most dreaded cancers?
ARE YOU EXERCISING SO HARD that it's hardening your arteries?
ARE YOU EATING ENOUGH SALT to prevent high blood pressure?
ARE YOU EATING ENOUGH EGGS & BACON to ward off macular degeneration?
GOT ARTHRITIS? GUESS WHAT! This animal fat reverses the damage in 24 hours!

Learn how right now from medicine's most acclaimed myth-buster, William Campbell Douglass II, MD. Plus, find out why more than 100,000 doctors and health-savvy Individuals have joined his 'take back your life' crusade - by claiming your 5 FREE GIFTS now!

If you'd rather enjoy a beer than force down 8 glasses of water...

If you can't start the day without caffeine...

If you crave a good steak and can't stomach 10 vegetables a day...

GUESS WHAT? YOU'RE RIGHT and they're full of tofu...

See below for the real health facts and don't let the 'experts' ruin one more day!

My Dear Pestered Friend:

Every day, the health police find some other pleasure to ruin...

First they snatch away your beer and scotch...

Then they badger you to drink water until you nearly burst...

Next, they nag you to give up coffee, eggs, bacon and everything else that makes life worth living...

And then they complain that YOU'RE GRUMPY?!!

No, you're being way too patient! But we're going to get the last laugh on those jokers...

Because all the 'facts' they're flinging at you are just MASS MEDIA MEDICINE!

Mass Media Medicine is to REAL medicine as McDonald's is to REAL food...

It was never intended to make you healthy...

It's intended to make billions of dollars for giant corporations...

And the only science behind it is marketing science!

It's all about selling us 'health' goods & services WHETHER OR NOT WE NEED THEM...

Scaring us into buying drugs to prevent diseases (like 'high cholesterol') that don't exist...

Bullying us into buying high-markup, high-carbohydrate, meatless mush...

Hounding us to buy instruments of torture in the name of exercise...

And when all this stuff finally does make you sick, they reply that you need even more ...

But it's high time you quit this can't-win game and DISCOVER THE REAL FACTS...

And you're going to love what 40 years of clinical studies really tell you to do! As you'll see on the pages ahead, from now on you have DOCTOR'S ORDERS to...

Chow down on juicy T-bones and 3-egg omelets prepared with real butter...
Trade in that water bottle for a case of ice-cold beer...
Drink all the coffee you want, laced with heavy cream if you like...
Take naps instead of running laps...
And tell the cholesterol cops they'll have to terrify someone else...
Now you're talking my language...

Never, ever do anything just because someone swears it's healthy!
Make them prove it and guarantee it - like I'm going to do right now.

Just let me send you 5 FREE BONUS GIFTS and you'll soon see and feel what I mean.

You'll learn how to make your body immune to CANCER, JOINT PAIN, HEART ATTACKS and other DEADLY DISEASES...By eating REAL FOOD...

Stuff that actually feels good and makes life fun again...

Says who? Says you...or your money back! I guarantee you're going to love how real health makes you feel. And I'll prove it, by backing your subscription with my no-risk 'Ultimate Guarantee' of 100% satisfaction. More on that later, but first let's give your overworked BLADDER a break...

GLUG! Americans are drowning in a watery medical myth!

Next time anyone pesters you to drink 8 glasses of water a day, turn the table on your tormentor with one simple question. WHY?

Know what? NOBODY KNOWS WHY. In the words of a famous nutritionist at Penn State University, 'I can't tell you...and I've written a book on water.'

Maybe your kidneys need it? No, according to a kidney expert at the National Institute of Health, the average adult gets all the water he or she needs from solid food alone. And, in fact, drinking too much water stresses your kidneys and encourages renal failure!

More water myths to flush away...

'If you get thirsty, it means you're already dehydrated.' HOW COULD IT? If this were true, every animal on earth would have collapsed and died long ago. Have you ever seen a dog that drinks when he's not thirsty? Of course not, he hasn't read the articles telling him to drink until he bursts.
Drinking lots of water is good for your circulation. NOPE. In fact, drinking too much water can dilute the potassium levels in your blood, raising your stroke risk.
Coffee and tea dehydrate you. THEY DON'T! This tactic is designed to sell you bottled water at a 1,000 percent markup. But bottled water's okay by me, because the most
dangerous myth of all is that...
'Fluoridated water prevents tooth decay.'

First of all, the reverse is true. One of the last cities in Europe to permit fluoridation was Basel, Switzerland, and they just stopped. Why? Because after they started fluoridating, kids' cavity rates increased. By contrast, rates in the rest of fluoride-free Europe declined.So why, you may ask, did anyone fluoridate in the first place?

FOLLOW THE MONEY. Fluoride is a byproduct of aluminum production ...

And aluminum producers must dispose of it. But this was a very expensive proposition prior to fluoridation. Back then, the only approved uses for fluoride were as an INSECTICIDE or a RAT POISON.

So what did they do? I don't exactly have a smoking gun (yet), but one of the first studies 'proving' the anti-cavity power offluoridated water was funded by the aluminum industry.

Ingenious, huh? If you can't dispose of a toxin, just delude health authorities that it's healthy, and presto....

Now we pay them to pour rat poison into our water supply...

And what's the result? Fluoridated water doesn't prevent cavities, but it definitely can prevent a long, healthy life. I could show you evidence linking it to cancer, osteoporosis...

Plus, if you want to slash your Alzheimer's risk overnight...

Starting tomorrow, drink no fluoridated water.

Why? Because fluoride makes your body absorb extra aluminum. And where does the aluminum go? Your brain. And what metal shows up alarmingly in the brains of Alzheimer's victims? You guessed it.

In your FREE BONUS GIFTS, I'll explain the cheapest and easiest way to filter out all this toxic junk, along with several even easier ways to cut your Alzheimer's risk.

Then we'll put to rest all your needless fears about cancer...

I'm Dr. William Campbell Douglass, and I want to give you a FREE Daily Dose of the straight scoop about health, medicine, and politics.'

Join me as I journey far and wide exposing junk medicine, flawed science, vegetarian propaganda, FDA misinformation, big-government waste and fraud, and the antics of medical miscreants everywhere. With my Daily Dose, you'll have the perfect companion to my newsletter - a continuous supply of urgent and timely health information like:
The latest medical research - without the PC spin
All the best natural cures - especially the ones the drug giants want to keep quiet
The truth about diet, nutrition and weight loss - without the sprouts and tofu
What your government has in store for you - and how your rights are at stake
All it takes is a second of your time to get yourself 'in the loop' by signing up for this invaluable FREE health resource. And I promise, I won't allow anyone else access to your e-mail address for any reason - I simply have too much respect for the privacy of my readers to allow it.


to prevent the world's most dreaded cancers?

That's just one example of how to beat cancer by ignoring the scare-mongers...

Every day, our mass media 'experts' crank up the cancer
hysteria even higher...

Awe, come on...

If you believe these guys, everything gives you cancer!

But in fact, each of these forbidden pleasures could actually save you from cancer. And the best way to banish cancer is to smile and ignore the scare stories. For example...

HOW CAN ANYONE NOT LIKE SUNLIGHT? It feels good, makes you happy and it's FREE!

Any 5-year-old knows that!

So why is it that we listen to these skin cancer 'experts' from the dark side?

What are we,mushrooms? I used to reassure my sun-loving patients by showing them studies of lifeguards in Australia. They bake in the sun all day, yet they have the nation's lowest rate of melanoma. And if you're wondering who gets the most melanoma, it's all those sunlight-deprived office workers.

But I've got even better news now. A recent study by the National Cancer Institute reveals...

People in the sunniest places also get less prostate cancer...

And women whose jobs require massive sun exposure are much less likely to die of breast cancer!

So Mom was right. Turn off the TV, find your swimsuit, and while you're packing for the beach...

Feel free to bring a six-pack...

Because researchers recently found that your body likes beer as much as you do - especially your digestive tract. Moderate alcohol consumption (any kind) may cut the risk of pre-cancerous colon polyps by a whopping 80%.

Then, if you really want the state-of-the-science in cancer-fighting nutrients, live a little and...


No kidding. At a recent Cornell Nutrition Conference, the place was positively buzzing with praise for a fantastically potent anti-carcinogen called conjugated linoleic acid - CLA for short. CLA turns out to be effective at dietary levels under 0.05%, which is practically off the charts compared to other cancer-fighting nutrients. Already, you can find CLA capsules at swankier health food stores...

But why even bother? Because the world's richest sources of CLA are beef and lamb products, including cheese - and CLA was discovered by a researcher studying hamburger!

See how mass media medicine is literally scaring us to death? The same could be said about some of today's most widely-hyped cancer tests. For example...

Don't let them squeeze the life out of you during a mammogram...

Here's how it happens. The technician is trying to get good pictures, because she's afraid she'll be sued if she misses a tumor. So to get good pictures, she squeezes the heck out of
the breast...

But tell her to stop! Because all that squeezing can rupture internal tissue, including tumor tissue, which spreads the cancer. Any good doctor should know this! When I was in med school, we all had it drummed into our heads that breast lumps should be handled very gingerly during manual inspections.

When mammograms first became all the rage, I published an article pointing this out and was promptly hooted down. But finally, a major medical journal is agreeing with me that
breast compression 'could cause small tumors to burst open.' Don't let this happen...

And don't let them needle you to death during a prostate biopsy...

Because repeated experiments have shown that, after sticking a needle into cancer tissue, cancer cells can be found in the bloodstream. (Could this be the reason why men who take the PSA test are actually more likely to die of prostate cancer than those who don't?)

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for early detection. But why mess around with mammograms or PSA tests, when there's a fantastically accurate new technique with none of the risks?

Full details in your FREE BONUS GIFTS, where I'll also brief you on:

Why men should insist on protecting their manhood. This South American herb has a long history of increasing testosterone. Learn more about this herb and other natural remedies to boost your sex drive.
Why do women in Bulgaria and Japan have the world's lowest breast cancer rates? The soil in both countries is incredibly rich in this mineral! You may not be getting enough, so it sure can't hurt to supplement as I suggest.
Then we'll eliminate all the other major pains in your life, by exposing...


Arthritis Surgery needless!

Simulated 'operation' works BETTER than the REAL procedure...

TRUE STORY. Tim Perez had such painful arthritis, he had to use a cane...

So he enrolled in a clinical study testing the effectiveness of arthroscopic surgery for arthritis. And within just a few weeks, Tim felt so good, he threw away his cane! Proving that surgery works for arthritis...?

WRONG! Tim was in the placebo group...

They pretended to do the surgery, but they didn't do anything to his knee.

Weirdly but wonderfully, the same thing happened to other patients too. The real thing made no significant difference, but the phony surgery sometimes worked better.

Now all this might be funny, except for the fact that 650,000 arthritis patients still undergo this pointless, painful and very expensive surgery every year. My advice...?

Save your money and get the dummy surgery instead!

Seriously, I would guess that Tim's positive mind-set helped his pain. And the phony surgery had the great virtue of not aggravating his arthritis. Good for you, Tim - whatever works!

But after 100 years of arthritis research, I must ask my fellow doctors...

Is NOTHING truly the best we can do?

Of course not! And brilliant alternative doctors are working real wonders right now. In your FREE BONUS GIFTS, I'll show you how to...

REPAIR YOUR OWN JOINTS using nothing more dangerous than sugar water

This cutting-edge joint restoration technique has already worked for thousands of patients. And the latest research shows it works for 90% of sufferers, providing up to 100% pain relief! It's called prolotherapy, and unlike surgery, it's completely without

Basically, the therapist injects the joint with a formula of lidocaine (an anaesthetic) and common dextrose - a kind of sugar water.

Absurdly simple, yes? But it triggers a HEALING CHAIN REACTION...

Within just a week, special cells in your joints called fibroblasts start building new connective tissue. New blood vessels form. Pain subsides. And gradually, over the next two years, you essentially grow a new joint.

So why haven't you heard of it?

Wonderful question. The American Medical Association insists this therapy is still 'experimental'...but who are they trying to fool? Prolotherapy was pioneered by one of America's most respected physicians, George Hackett, MD. He published his findings in
the AMA's very own Journal of the American Medical Association...


Do you think just maybe, after 60 years of great results, the AMA might go out on a limb and say it works?

Are you starting to see what we're up against here? In fact, the only problem with prolatherapy is that it works too well! And if you cure a damaged joint, the medical establishment loses a chronic profit center!

Not to worry. I'll give you all the details you need in your FREE BONUS GIFTS, including how to find a doctor near you who's skilled in this fabulous therapy. Plus I'll
show you:

THE ANTI-PAIN PLANT THAT BEAT THE SUPER-DRUGS. In a recent double-blind study, Devil's Claw relieved arthritis as well as the 'super drug' diacerhein, and did better at long-term relief.
THE CUTTING-EDGE ENZYME shown to reduce inflammation as well as steroids! It's available now in a formula that has many of my formerly pain-ridden readers doing
jumping jacks.

Then I do hope you're hungry tonight, because we're going to celebrate your newfound health with...

Forget 'an apple a day'...

Are you eating enough


to keep the doctor away?

A friend of mine got kidnapped by a band of outlaws in Guatemala, who held him prisoner in a squalid cave. For nearly 4 months, they fed him a diet consisting solely of hard-boiled eggs...

And when his captors finally released him, HE WAS HEALTHIER THAN BEFORE!

His unwanted fat had melted away - he was lean, mean and bursting with energy. You'd think that miserable cave was a luxury spa! Of course, the kidnappers weren't humanitarians. They were cheap...

But unknown to them, they had stumbled onto nature's perfect food...

Yes, the much maligned egg! In the words of a registered dietician at the Institute of Culinary Education in New York:

'[Eggs] are an inexpensive nutrition powerhouse containing high quality protein, 13 essential vitamins and minerals including folate, vitamin B-12, vitamin D, and nutritive compounds - all within a 70-calorie package'

So why do mass media 'experts' still speak of eggs as if they were poison? You just read the reason...

They're too darned inexpensive!

Giant food firms want you to chow down instead on LOW-FAT POP TARTS - terrible for your health, but fantastically profitable.

But please do not swallow that cracked advice about 'just one egg a day'...

Enjoy all the omelets and soufflés you want!


Ten eggs a day would make your arteries cleaner and sharpen your memory too. (NOTE: Be sure to include those yummy yellow yolks, because that's where all the goodness is!) And eggs are just the first in a long list of 'forbidden foods' that you can and should start enjoying again...

Dig into a STEAK for longevity's sake...

...or chow down on succulent lamb chops, tangy Virginia ham, Alaska king crab, duck confit, and all those other meaty, fatty treats you've been warned off of.

Go for it! And soon your body will be surging with newfound health and energy...

WHY? Because this is the HUMAN DIET that's been keeping us healthy since caveman days. It's what nature designed us to eat. For our first million years, human beings were
hunters and gatherers.

Every anthropologist knows this. Why don't more doctors?

Now you've got one that does. In your FREE BONUS GIFTS, I'll show you how to...

Shed your spare tire in just 2 weeks...
As you slash your heart attackand stroke risk...
And cut your chances of getting certain cancers...
Just by following this same, delicious 'eat everything' diet that's kept us at the top of the food chain for over a million years. You're going to be stunned at what's really healthy to
eat. For example...

Everyone says spinach is good for your eyes...

And spinach does contain the nutrient lutein, which helps prevent macular degeneration.

But you could eat more spinach than Popeye and go blind as a bat, unless you cook it in...


Surprised? But it's basic biology. You see, the eye-saving nutrients in spinach are fat-soluble. That means you can't absorb them without fat. The same goes for roughly half of all the nutrients your body needs. And bacon grease is among the healthiest of all fats to cook with...

Because it's saturated!

I know you've been told the opposite, but I'll show you the truth in your FREE BONUS GIFTS. (Actually, a better way to protect your eyes is to eat a bacon omelet - eggs contain far more eye-saving nutrients!)

Vegetarians may THINK their meals are packed with folic acid...

And folic acid is truly amazing stuff. In your FREE BONUS REPORTS, I'll show you how you can use this nutrient to reverse artery disease, wipe out atrial fibrillation, cut your cancer risk an additional 60%, fend off Parkinson's disease and even prevent
Alzheimer's. (That's not even the full list. I wouldn't be surprised if we discover someday that Folic acid is the key to world peace.)

But I hope these vegetarians are taking plenty of supplements, because...

The mere act of cooking vegetables destroys their folic acid. Far better sources include calves' liver, fish...and eggs again!

Are you starting to see how shockingly delicious real health can be? And the same goes for the beverage department...

Meet the famed doctor who's


William Campbell Douglass II, MD, has been medicine's most famous 'maverick' for decades. Now, his no-holds-barred publication is gaining cult status among the well informed...

(April 2004) HE'S BEEN HOOTED AT and called a 'maverick' by the health establishment that fears him. But William Campbell Douglass II, MD, isn't a voice in the wilderness anymore.

Behind closed doors, open-minded doctors everywhere are poring over his provocative publication, The Douglass Report. And more than 100,000 health-savvy readers are howling with laughter as he makes dozens of 'undeniable health facts' look silly. Suddenly, everyone's realizing...

'HE'S RIGHT! We don't have to take this abuse anymore...'

And it's about time! Because feisty 'Bill' Douglass has been crusading for decades against drugs that weaken the immune that's worse than doing nothing...punishing diet-and-exercise regimens that cause the conditions they claim to
cure. And right now, he's really on a roll...

Showing time and again that the health establishment 'EMPERORS' HAVE NO CLOTHES!

HE FOILED THE SOY PLOY! For years, soy producers got away with claiming it slashes cancer risk, cuts heart disease risk and helps with menopause. But then Dr. Douglass proved them wrong on all three counts. He showed soy upsets your hormonal
balance...fattens you up by depressing your thyroid... and even contains an acid that
blocks your absorption of calcium!
HE MADE A MOCKERY OF THE MEAT-HATERS by pointing out who their contributors are. It turned out that some of the world's wealthiest carbohydrate producers - including Con-Agra and Quaker Oats - were 'generously supporting' one of America's best-known diet gurus. Can it be a coincidence that this guru proclaims, 'Eat only complex carbohydrates'...?
HE SHOWED THAT EGG-BASHERS have egg on their faces when they link eggs to heart disease. His data proves egg-eaters have a much lower rate of heart attacks and strokes than egg-avoiders.

to prevent heart disease and stroke?

Before you say I'm crazy, let's do a little sanity check...

First, just sit back and ask yourself...Exactly how many people do you know with total cholesterol that's naturally under 200? (That's without popping the designer drug of the day.) Can you name three or four? Can you name even ONE?

Can we all be so deathly ill? Every single one of us?

Of course not! In fact, as you've just reminded yourself, practically all healthy Americans have cholesterol that's naturally between 200 and 300. Which is why I'm fond of saying...

High cholesterol is not a disease, but it's a fantastic business!

I don't intend to bore you by reciting the annual sales figures for cholesterol drugs, or detailing their liver-poisoning side effects. If you knew them you'd be horrified.

But I do want to reassure you that your so-called 'high cholesterol'... actually one of the greatest health blessings nature has to bestow! Want proof? Glad you asked. Let's review the last 30 years of clinical studies, instead of all those artfully
worded drug company press releases. Some truly breathtaking facts pop up:

FACT 1: Cholesterol protects your arteries. Next time you're surfing the Internet, search the word 'homocysteine.' Over 30 years of studies prove this substance is the real killer, literally eating away at your artery walls. Your body responds by slapping on cholesterol to patch the holes. If it didn't, blood vessels in your brain might burst, and you'd die of a massive stroke! (It's better, of course, to avoid the holes and the patches. Details in your FREE BONUS GIFTS.)

FACT 2: Cutting cholesterol actually makes arteries harder. In only one cholesterol-cutting study did they actually perform post-mortems to measure what this 'cure' really does to your arteries. Guess what they found? Artery clogging was far worse in the folks being treated. (Drug companies never repeated this study. Guess why.)

FACT 3: Low cholesterol has been linked to depression and foggy memory... and cholesterol-cutting may even trigger massive amnesia! Drug firms wish us to forget this, and we will, if we take enough statin drugs.

FACT 4: Low cholesterol also boosts your chances of dying from infectious disease. Did you know that AIDS victims tend to have low cholesterol? It's not because they're healthy!

Hard to believe? But it all makes beautiful sense, because...

Cholesterol is not toxic sludge, but the MOTHER OF ALL NUTRIENTS!

Yes! Your body needs lots of cholesterol to create hormones... and lots more stuff that will keep you spry as a goat, well into your 90s.

Of course, as we age, our bodies need extra maintenance...

Which may require even more cholesterol, but not to worry...

Our livers automatically create more to make up the deficit! GET IT? High cholesterol is a symptom your body is doing its job...

Now, aren't you thrilled that your cholesterol is over 200?

If it's under 300, don't mess with it. I wouldn't even worry about the ratios. But if you're a perfectionist, then...


And help yourself to more chicken wings (with the skin), lobster (with plenty of real melted butter), shrimp scampi, cheese, foie gras, and other incredibly healthy, fatty, HIGH cholesterol foods.

Yes, I said HIGH cholesterol. Think of these meals as your daily cholesterol supplement. You see, cholesterol from these treats is even healthier than the kind your liver makes. It's less likely to turn into LDL cholesterol and more likely to wind up as HDL (the best kind). It's also less likely to get converted into a nasty substance called Lp(a) - truly sticky stuff that makes you 10 times likelier to get heart disease.

Tell that to your worried-but-well-meaning friends as you dig into your juicy, rare T-bone. See how much fun real health can be? In your FREE BONUS GIFTS, I'll give you all the details you'll need to silence sourpuss friends who are still sabotaging their own heart-health with brown rice and tofu.

Plus, you'll learn how to:

Expand narrow arteries almost instantly, after every meal, using two cheap vitamins.
Clean out diseased arteries permanently, without surgery, dieting or drugs, using nothing more frightening than a common food ingredient called EDTA.
Then we'll move on to the most astonishing health 'news' of our time...

Why is our medical establishment


Because these miracles are just too cheap to make hospitals, HMOs, and drug companies rich!

Now we come to the most mind-boggling part of the entire real health story.

We've already seen how marketing science has replaced real science in the mass media. Worrying us to death about non existent 'health threats.' Convincing millions of us to spend billions on 'solutions' that are painful, punishing - useless at best and all too often deadly.

But now let's look at the flip side... the real miracle cures that make these expensive fakes look silly.

For example, suppose you found a natural substance so miraculous that it could:

Cure drug-resistant diseases that kill thousands of hospital patients every year...
Knock out 'incurable' viruses that murder 30,000 Americans annually...
Fight cancer and heart disease more effectively than dangerous chemo and cholesterol drugs...
Even wipe out flu and the common cold in 24 hours or less...

Too good to be true? But it exists! As you'll see in your FREE BONUS GIFTS, this compound blasts all the diseases above and many more to kingdom come - including drug-resistant pneumonia and tuberculosis.

It's safe, backed by stacks of solid research and boy, is it ever cheap. You can buy it at drugstores everywhere, right now, for 65 cents a bottle! So what is this amazing miracle-in-a-bottle?

Real Miracle #1:

Go ahead and laugh, but what follows is no joke:

Did you know your own white blood cells produce hydrogen
peroxide? Lots of it!
Know why? Because that's how they kill invading germs. It's your body's first and best defense against any infection. Kills bacteria, viruses, yeast, and parasites - all the bad
Here's how. The hydrogen peroxide molecule (H202) is basically water (H20) with an extra oxygen atom attached. When that oxygen gets released against germs, it 'oxidizes' them. Poof, they're goners.
Don't believe me? Neither did thousands of 'experts' who never seemed to have studied biochemistry...or medical history. But anyone who bothers to go to their public library can confirm...
This cutting-edge cure was proven more than 80 years ago!

Yes, it was way back in 1920 that two English doctors in India tried using hydrogen peroxide to stop a pneumonia epidemic. It worked. Patients on the edge of death suddenly bounced back to life.

Years later, the therapy was perfected by Charles H. Farr, M.D., P.H.D., who should have won the Nobel Prize for it. But drug firms selling (far more expensive!) antibiotics succeeded in drowning out his message.

Then, in the 1960s, doctors at Baylor University proved its effectiveness against many more diseases...

They found that hydrogen peroxide therapy made clogged arteries clean as a whistle...

I've used it often too - and have seen it heal patients suffering all manner of maladies from influenza and colds to emphysema. And this shockingly cheap cure was a real health MIRACLE for my patients in Africa, where the ungodly high cost of drugs condemns millions to death every year.

So how do drug companies get away with selling expensive antibiotics, when we've got this stuff that's nearly free?

It's worse than that - they're trying to suppress it. Before you call me paranoid, just look over the facts in your FREE BONUS GIFTS. I'll show you how to find a doctor skilled in this secret miracle...

NOTE: DON'T EVEN THINK OF DRINKING IT. That's not how hydrogen peroxide therapy works and it's not safe. I'll explain how it's done in your FREE BONUS REPORTS, along with some nifty 'minor' applications you can do all by yourself. It can be used to wipe out sinus infections, erase benign moles and even clear up periodontitis without surgery. No kidding. You'll see.

Did you ever dream that perfecting your health could be so easy and cheap? But you've just seen the tip of the iceberg...

Real Miracle #2
Banish back agony instantly...WITH A Q-TIP!

Too bizarre to be real? Not if you understand human anatomy.

Behind the back surface of the inner nasal cavity is a huge nerve center called the spheno-palatine ganglion.

It's like the railroad yard in a big city - all pain, from headaches to back pain, must enter this portal.

And all you have to do in order to banish the very worst back pain is dip a Q-Tip in a very common local anesthetic. Then gently stick it up the nose, until it touches this ganglion.

Just a week of treatments will break the pain cycle and...

Even the most intense pain vanishes for months, sometimes years!

I used it in my own practice with astonishing results for 10 years. And just about every country in Europe has doctors skilled in this miracle. But drug authorities have succeeded in banishing this therapy from doctors offices in the U.S. Never mind, I'll explain how you can get it legally.

Getting intrigued? Hey...

RSVP right now to learn all these and many more...FREE!

I'd love to brief you on more MASS MEDIA MALARKEY to ignore and real health breakthroughs that truly deliver, but I'm out of space!

So why not scratch that itch in the back of your mind...

Learn the shocking real facts about:

THE REAL HRT BLUNDER. They're replacing the wrong hormone! There is indeed a sex hormone that truly does prevent heart disease and cancer. But it's not estrogen or progesterone! Learn what it is and how to get it.
OSTEOPOROSIS IS A SUPPLEMENT-SELLER'S PARADISE , because 'everyone knows' you must take extra calcium, right? WRONG. In fact, what we're lacking is the ability to absorb it. Easily remedied.
THERE'S A PARKINSON'S MIRACLE hiding in that forbidden cup of coffee. Caffeine blocks the A2A brain receptors that play a key role in Parkinson's. New research suggests it can slow the disease or protect you from ever getting it. Make sure you're getting the right amount every day.
NEW MIRACLE FOOD FOR BABIES. Pork fat ! (Or beef fat or lamb fat or chicken fat.) Scientists at the University of California, Irvine, report this miraculous high-fat diet protects the newborn brain.
TAKE TWO ASPIRIN AND CALL ME FROM THE MORGUE . In 25% of all people, aspirin therapy actually increases the risk of platelet clumping linked to heart attacks! Learn what to do instead.
...and there's so much more I'm longing to tell you that will make you stop dreading the word 'health' and start feeling fantastic. Just send for your 5 FREE BONUS GIFTS now!

You'll get full details about all the pointlessly punishing myths and life-transforming real health miracles mentioned above, plus hundreds more. And, to keep you ahead of the herd and on top of the best new real health breakthroughs in the months ahead...

You'll get the best money-saving deal and learn all you need to save your life in my newsletter, The Douglass Report. And friend, you've got my 100% guarantee that...

This is not another one of those boring, preachy, you-heard-it-all-before 'health' publications that put you to sleep after raking you over the coals...

Can you even imagine me putting my name on one of those yawn-inspiring nag-rags? No way...

The Douglass Report is NEVER boring. Every issue, you'll grin, gasp and marvel as we examine the latest MASS MEDIA MYTHS and see what kind of science is backing them up - usually nothing.
The Douglass Report actually makes it ENJOYABLE to get well. Each month, I'll brief you on amazingly easy and pleasant new ways to free yourself and your loved from pain and disease. And, as you'll discover...
The Douglass Report has stuff that REALLY WORKS. I'll point you in the right direction for how to find and use everything. And I'm so certain the stuff I report on does work better that...
Only The Douglass Report carries my ULTIMATE GUARANTEE of 100% satisfaction. If you don't get all that you're hoping for and more - you can call it off, get a complete refund of the subscription fee and KEEP YOUR FREE BONUS GIFTS. Period. (NOTE: This is not a 'pro-rated' guarantee. You risk zip.)
Plus, along with your FREE BONUS GIFTS, your one-year, two-year or three-year subscription also gets you the following valuable (if I do say so myself) FREE EXTRAS:

1. FREE UNLIMITED HEALTH RESEARCH in the subscribers-only area of my website. You can search every single issue of The Douglass Report ever published for any health matter on your mind. Want my latest updates on Alzheimer's? Obesity? Genetically modified foods? Type the words into the search engine, click your mouse and bingo - you're briefed.

2. FREE INSTANT HEALTH ALERTS VIA E-MAIL, but only if you want them. I call my e-mail updates Daily Dose. And I fire them your way twice weekly. Lately we've covered stuff like:

Is that new osteoporosis 'breakthrough' more dangerous than doing nothing?
Men, are you more sexually irresistible before you shower? A new French paradox.
Can honey actually kill mouth bacteria and prevent gum disease? Only this kind.
FAIR WARNING: These e-letters can be addictive. And they're definitely worth the extra work for me because they're such a hit with my subscribers. Now, so many people read them, I wouldn't dare to stop writing them!

3. FREE MONEY-SAVING DEALS & DEEP DISCOUNTS on state-of-the-science natural supplements. Perhaps you've noticed I dislike watching folks waste your money? I got tired of grousing about overpriced, underpowered supplements and did something about it. If you're currently buying anything to help out your joint pain, sexual pleasure, prostate health or overall well-being, this service could save you a bundle.

Let me put the power of all these real health breakthroughs into your hands now!

Don't let mass media medicine hound you to death. Be a stubborn so-and-so (like yours truly)...

Ignore the nags...

And just start giving your body what it's begging for!

Let me show you how shockingly pleasant the road to real heath can be. If you do, I promise you'll feel illness, pain and weakness fade away like a bad dream. You'll see!

And hey, I haven't even described your 5 FREE BONUS GIFTS yet...

RSVP to receive my Bonus Reports...FREE!

FREE Bonus! VOLUME #1.


VEGETABLES? THEY'RE OKAY AS A SIDE-DISH, but don't let vegetarians nag you into joining this unnatural self-denial. The most reliable figures clearly show that vegetarians die younger, suffer impaired psychomotor development - and as if that
weren't bad enough, they even use up to 8 times more laxatives!
GIVE YOUR BLADDER A BREAK. Exactly why do you have to drink 8 glasses of water a day? Nobody knows. There's also mounting evidence that 'healthy' additives in tap water may rocket your risk of cancer and Alzheimer's disease. I'll show you how to remove these toxins cheaply.
CANCER NAGS SCOLD YOU for eating fatty foods and meat. Then you're nagged to avoid the sun. Yet the actual data shows that both can prevent cancer. Learn how to make your cancer risk plummet without giving up a thing you love.
WANT TO CUT YOUR CANCER DEATH-RISK down to nearly nothing? Show your doctor the details here about AMAS. This blood test can detect a tumor practically anywhere in the body, early enough to get it all.
EAT YOUR CHOLESTEROL AND STRENGTHEN YOUR HEART. It's not a toxic substance but a miracle nutrient. Better still, steak, shellfish, and eggs contain a substance now shown to inhibit hardening of the arteries.
THE NEW NATURAL CORTISONE THERAPY that's safe and extremely effective. It's re-writing all the books about cortisone and arthritis. It uses a different form of cortisone than the kind doctors traditionally give. Your life could be transformed
practically overnight.
GROW YOUR OWN NEW KNEE, elbow or shoulder. This astonishing real breakthrough is medically proven, has helped hundreds of patients and I'll point you in the right direction on how to find a doctor near you to perform it. After about a week, damaged ligaments, tendons and cartilage start to regrow like new.
FREE Bonus! VOLUME #2.


DO MAMMOGRAMS SAVE LIVES? Thousands of women are being panicked into unnecessary mastectomies for lumps that pose no threat. Plus, the painful breast compression of mammograms may even activate an otherwise benign condition. But relax, you've got great new prevention options.
WHY IS THIS MINERAL SUCH A BIG SECRET? Women who get the most of it have the lowest breast cancer rates in the world. Women who get the least of it have the highest rates. It's dirt cheap and sold at your supermarket, but weirdly, the only folks
urged to take it are men. You need it too!
'STANDARD' HRT not only doesn't prevent heart attacks, but can double your risk. That's because they don't give you the right mix of hormones. Nobody tells you, but healthy women produce testosterone and when your levels get out of whack, it's a quick
ticket to ticker trouble! Let me share the life-saving facts about your natural option.
CUTS BREAST CANCER RISK DRAMATICALLY. That's right, this same natural therapy not only doesn't raise your cancer risk, but cuts it way down! Reverses osteoporosis too.
90% OF AMERICAN MEN will develop benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH) if they live long enough. But you don't have to suffer another day. The latest natural breakthroughs work fast and they can be much more effective than drugs. Learn your new alternatives and sleep through the night at last.

FREE Bonus! VOLUME #3.


HERE'S THE QUICKEST, EASIEST, HEALTHIEST WAY to lose a 'spare tire' or thin down your thighs without really trying. In 2 weeks, you could shed your extra pounds, while keeping every single ounce of muscle and bone.
IF YOU DON'T WANT TO LOOK LIKE A COW, don't eat like one. Cattle ranchers feed their stock a steady diet of grain and vegetable matter to fatten them up for the kill. Yet when they tried including fatty foods like coconut oil, the cattle lost weight. See a lesson here?
DON'T EVEN DREAM OF GIVING UP the rich, meaty foods you can't help loving. In fact, I encourage you to dine on generous portions of steak, eggs, prime rib, lobster, chicken wings (with the skin!)...enjoy three-egg omelets with bacon for breakfast... even
snack on pork rinds.
DEVELOPED ESPECIALLY FOR THE REAL PEOPLE who read The Douglass Report, it requires no calorie-counting or fat-counting. In fact, you can enjoy all the protein and fat you want on the 'human diet.' It uses the principals of low-
carbohydrate, high-protein eating to turn your body into a fat-burning machine.

FREE Bonus! VOLUME #4.


DON'T PUT UP WITH 'MALE MENOPAUSE.' It's triggered by ebbing testosterone levels and it could kill you. Erectile problems are just an early symptom. Next come depression, heart disease and early death. Learn how to safely reverse it and feel like a man again fast.

AND DON'T LET FEMALE MENOPAUSE put the break on your sexual pleasure. Estrogen and progesterone are just two of the sex horomones healthy women need. Learn why women also produce testosterone, how it's key to a woman's sexual responsiveness, and how balanced, natural horomone therapy can help!

THE 10 SECOND TESTOSTERONE TEST. After 40, testosterone levels drop and keep dropping. Have your levels fallen to unhealthy lows? Take this quick test. If it turns out you're running on empty, don't worry, there's great news...

MAKES ERECTIONS 4 TIMES BETTER. An herbal breakthrough hardly anyone's heard of yet. The Scientific Journal of Urology reports it increases erections anywhere from 290% to a whopping 400%. We'll give you the 800-number to call... doesn't this make more sense than beating yourself up for nothing? Why not give it a whirl?

OUTLIVE YOUR DOCTOR and love every year of it...

Subscribe today... It saves you up to $74 on your risk-free subscription to The Douglass Report... It brings you all the FREE BONUS GIFTS I've mentioned that will let you turn the tables on medicine's misinformed know-it-alls...

Plus you have my 'Ultimate Guarentee' that your gifts and my newsletter will deliver all you're hoping for and more. Or else please, feel free to call off the deal -- at any time for a complete refund-- with no pesty questions. YOU KEEP YOUR FREE BONUS GIFTS.

Don't wait. Do it now! Claim your FREE Bonus gifts and reclaim your health...

Walk out of health prision and into the light...

And find out how sweet it feels to savor real health!

William Campbell Douglass

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