Sunday, December 2, 2007

Electrified Enlightenment

Electrified Enlightenment
Raw Spirit Fest and The Zenn Car
(and Banana Slugs To Boot)
by Jaye Beldo

While the GM EV1 may have been summarily crushed out of existence and water engines stopped in their vaporous tracks by the oil syndicates, the tenacity of a few brave entrepreneurs has helped bring to fruition a more marketable and environmentally appealing version of alternatively fueled cars. I encountered such a promising set of earth friendly wheels at the third annual Raw Spirit Festival that transpired in a non-toxic, organic kind of way last October in Sedona Arizona at the Poco Diablo Radisson. After perusing the O2 Zone Oxygen bar, mainly to counteract a bad case of internal combustion car lag, and basking in the pervading euphoria of the experience, I worked my way through the colorful exuberance of aware, vital and caring individuals gathered to share their experiences with health and healing on an infinitely expansive, sunny day.

Sampling some potently anti-oxidant raw chocolate and blending the resulting psychedelic experience with my beautiful oxygen high, I started to pick up on the famous free energy vortex that has made Sedona such a popular tourist draw in recent eons. Working my way further into the joyous heart of the festival, past vendors offering such wondrous things as pain relieving magnesium oil, organic hemp and flax seed, anti-fungal and thyroid friendly virgin coconut oil, T-Shirts sporting the vivid likenesses of Vishnu, Shiva and Ganesh, a shaman clearing out people’s auras with a didgeridoo and ecstatic drummers trancing out in group fashion, I finally arrived at the Zenn Electric Car exhibit and was quite surprised at its seductive, refreshing, yet practical appeal.

The Zenn, a fully enclosed, three door hatchback NEV (neighborhood electric vehicle), is a most economical way to spark around town for everything from shopping for raw food, meditative, non-polluting leisure drives and weekly jaunts to yoga and pilates classes. The Zenn promises to deliver not only an economical means of transportation (its top speed is 25 mph-meeting low speed vehicle laws, with a range of 25 to 31 miles per charge), but an environmentally savvy way to flaunt concern for our imperiled planet. Seating up to four people, the Zenn is fashionable to drive. (The base price for the Zenn starts at $12,750 and goes up to a mere $14, 700). If you’re already sold on a healthy lifestyle with non-toxic foods, it is only natural that the exhaustless Zenn become a synergistic part of your transportive life.

After the Zenn rush subsided a bit and my head adjusted to the automotive Satori, I explored more of the Raw Spirit Fest and was fortunate enough to encounter Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz, author of such books as DNA: Pirates of the Sacred Spiral and Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse. He was sporting a colorful Hawaiian shirt and touting a guitar along with his briefcase - making it clear that there’s no distinction between business and pleasure for the man. He was radiating such joy and clarity, that I knew immediately he was able to counteract the toxic effects of environmentally abusive corporations, pharmaceutical companies, governments with genocidal policies via mandatory vaccinations, etc. Afterwards, I got to meet his partners who were helping to promote his work: one Reverend Roxy Hampton and a svelte, sultry looking woman named Sativa, who had the knack of translating my birthday information into arcane astrological parallels, Chinese Horoscopes as well as figuring out on the spot that I was the Seven of Clubs, a rather mystical number amongst the playing deck. Hanging out with these folks for a few hours, I could tell that they were sincerely dedicated to bringing to the public awareness of the dangers of such things as additives in food and various other noxious ingredients that find their way into the food chain.

Roxy handed me a couple of issues of The Liberty Bell - a constructively subversive publication from the Big Island with articles by such notables as Mae Brussell and Citizen XX. The kind R reverend treated me to some raw Macadamia nuts and Lycee berries that exploded with a flavor unlike any I've encountered elsewhere when I crunched into them - an earthly delicious treat indeed - and one more selling point to convert me to a raw food diet that includes pure foods grown in environmentally sustainable ways.

Dr. Horowitz will be facilitating a New Year retreat on the big Island in December on the Puna Coast where purifying steam vents abound-as well as the ‘Aloha Hot Pool’ which touts the purest rainwater on earth. Having been to the Puna Coast myself I can testify firsthand to the healing power of the water there. I purchased a set of Len’s’ Healing Harmony’ tuning forks (designed by Jonathan Goldman) and have to say that it has been the most powerful means of gaining insight into the nature of disease and physical/mental/emotional blockages because it bypasses the intellect and penetrates to the deepest levels down to the very DNA-truly opening up ones psychic abilities on many levels. It also was a pleasure to listen to Len talk about his work, although he could have elaborated much longer on his observation that we are living holograms. He offered one of the most profound interpretations of Leonardo da Vinci's famous drawing of the Vitruvian Man and posits that a woman is hiding behind this outspread figure embraced by the circle - something I never considered in all of my contemplations of the drawing - far above and beyond anything touted in the Di Vinci code indeed.

One of the sublime highlights of the fest of course was listening to its founder, Happy Oasis exuberate through the PA on her experience with a raw food diet. Overcoming numerous illnesses as result of the immune strengthening effects of the raw regimen, Happy shared many experiences as well as her visionary outlook for not only the future of the non-profit Raw Spirit Fest but also holistic health and its inevitable infiltration into and acceptance by mainstream society. She ended her talk by likening each of us, as well as her self, to Banana Slugs - those slimy critters which leave shimmering, convoluted phosphorescent trails wherever they go. The trails she was referring to were those of enlightened consciousness, sentience, compassion, empathy and love. It was a metaphor I could certainly relate to as I’d rather leave such rainbow glow trails instead of CO2s from my automobile, lawnmowers and leaf blowers or from one of my bad moods. Ms. Oasis also talked about how she was literally bowed down to by people in India when she told them that she was following a Raw Food regimen. Apparently the ancient Rishis themselves followed such a diet and attribute their superhuman occultic powers to it. Happy’s happiness was quite contagious as she had people constantly swarming around her, basking in her uplifting vegan aura. I was grateful to get a 30 second audience with her and after shaking her vibrant a hand understand why she is such a popular attraction considering most of us live in deserts of depression, despair and uncertainty.

Finally, the breakfast, lunch and dinner cuisine at the Raw Spirit Fest was most impressive for a non raw-ist such as myself. It was quite surprising how much flavor and brilliance emanated from the simply prepared, non-cooked meals concocted for the fest by a very dedicated group of chefs. My usual after meal hunger pangs became nonexistent which was even more. It was obvious that the raw food was providing all the nutrition my body needed. I lost over five pounds during the weekend and maintained good energy all throughout. The ingredients were put together with such culinary finesse that seriously considering adopting such a diet myself. After three days of sampling raw meals, I soon came to the conclusion that environmental, social and political activism really, really starts in our very own bodies. If it weren’t for the Raw Spirit Fest, I’d still be microwaving my frozen dinners before writing letter to my senator over a cup of coffee. Thanks to all who contributed to the event for the positively cellular transformation!

For more information on the Raw Spirit Fest, go to:

For a Zenn dealer near you:

For a euphoric blast of O2, go to:

Jaye Beldo writes for Mysteries Magazine, Tango Diva and Pulse. He has discussed his work on WGN Radio Chicago, BBC and Capital Radio London, WLW Cincinnati and dozens of other radio programs around the world. He can be reached through or

1 comment:

  1. That's such a great post. Great writing and I love the attention to Raw.

    Kristen's Raw


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