Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Gay rumours eclipse Condi’s glory moment


December 2, 2007
Gay rumours eclipse Condi’s glory moment
Tony Allen-Mills, New York

IT SHOULD have been Condoleezza Rice’s finest hour as US secretary of state: at last President George W Bush was hosting a Middle East peace conference that she had been struggling to organise for months.

Yet when Rice’s photograph appeared on the front page of America’s bestselling weekly newspaper last week, it had nothing to do with her peacemaking efforts. She had been dragged into a National Enquirer article headlined “Who’s Gay and Who’s Not”.

The article revived long-standing Washington gossip about Rice’s sexuality and sparked off the usual flurry of internet chatter about her high-profile role in a Republican administration widely regarded as hostile to gays.

It also underlined the increasing friction in American politics between a high-minded media establishment disdainful of bedroom gossip and the no-holds-barred, consumer-driven world of instant internet scandal. A Google search of the words “Condoleezza” and “lesbian” last week yielded 146,000 hits.

Rice was not alone in falling victim to what the US media elite invariably decries as corrupted journalistic standards but what the rest of America seems to regard as the real story in Washington: who is sleeping with whom?

While most leading US newspapers were preoccupied with serious policy issues such as Iraq and illegal immigration, New York tabloids were feasting on startling new details about Rudolph Giuliani, the city’s former mayor, who is alleged to have concealed the cost of the security protection he needed while on secret trysts with his then mistress.

Giuliani dismissed the allegations as a “political hit job” and “dirty trick” that just happened to pop up hours before a key televised debate between Republican presidential candidates. Although it appeared that Giuliani had done nothing illegal, the fuss refocused attention on his colourful private life and may damage his appeal to conservative voters.

Political insiders also noted that the detailed allegations, including documented evidence of the accounts used to hide Giuliani’s potentially embarrassing expenses, were published not by a newspaper but by Politico.com, an increasingly influential website.

The mainstream US media also managed to ignore one of the most read political stories on the internet last week, an account in The Times about a dirty-tricks campaign in South Carolina, including anonymous allegations that Senator Hillary Clinton is having an affair with Huma Abedin, a female member of her campaign staff. Democrat officials dismissed the allegations as an obvious attempt to smear the frontrunning presidential candidate.

The former senator John Edwards, Clinton’s Democratic rival, felt the tabloid lash when the Enquirer claimed he too was having an affair with a campaign aide while his cancer-stricken wife campaigned on his behalf elsewhere. Edwards denounced the story as “false, completely untrue, ridiculous” and said the Enquirer had failed to produce evidence “because it’s made up”.

The steady flow of salacious and often thinly sourced sex-related stories is causing headaches for US newspaper editors, who have been bludgeoned by shrinking circulations and internet competition yet are still clinging to values described by one blogger last week as “snoozy, prissy and haughty”.

The drift towards internet-fuelled sensationalism was deemed to be so serious earlier this year that the Columbia Journalism Review, a bastion of US media elitism, convened a panel of top editors to consider whether the government should step in to subsidise serious newspapers as a valuable public service, along the lines of the BBC.

The Enquirer described its article as “the ultimate guessing game among Hollywood fans - trying to figure out which big-name stars are gay”. The report went on: “According to the buzz among political insiders, it’s an open secret that . . . Rice is gay.”

The piece quoted an unnamed “in-the-know” blogger as saying that during her years as provost of Stanford University in California, Rice was “completely out as a lesbian and it was not a scandal, just a reality”. The paper referred to reports that in 1998 Rice bought a house with a “special friend”, another unmarried woman, a film-maker named Randy Bean.

It was far from the first time that she had been linked to lesbian rumours. In a recent biography of Rice, Glenn Kessler, the Washington Post’s diplomatic correspondent, noted that Bean, described as a “liberal progressive”, was her “closest female friend”. It was Kessler who discovered from a search of property records that Rice and Bean owned a house together.

Rice does not comment on her private life, and she is not an elected official, so her sexuality has never been a campaign issue. But the gay community has long been troubled by her association with conservative Republicans opposed to gay marriage, and with evangelical Christians who regard homosexuality as a sin.

At one point last year Rice was regarded as a possible Republican candidate in the 2008 White House race. Yet most commentators agreed that she was reluctant to run, and a Washington Post columnist concluded that she was “the longest of long shots”, as it indeed turned out.

The columnist Chris Cillizza made no mention of Rice’s sexuality, and it took an internet reader named Anne Roifes to remind the Post that high journalistic standards sometimes miss the point.

“It is widely believed in gay circles that Condi is a lesbian,” Roifes commented. “That could be one reason she will not run.”

1 comment:

  1. I am one of the nation's top experts on Hillary and Bill. I have every book EVER written on the Clintons. Hillary has LONG history of being a bisexual, except that no man will touch her now. I think it is highly probable that Hillary is having a lesbian affair with Huma Abedin, and has probably been doing so for many years.

    Bill Clinton confirms it: Hillary is a lesbian:

    “She’s probably eaten more pussy than I have.”

    [Gennifer Flowers, Passion and Betrayal, p.42]

    People ask: Is Hillary a lesbian? Yes. More precisely she is a bisexual, although some folks would describe her as more of an anger-filled, androgynous witch at this point. In Arkansas, back in the 1970's, folks thought for sure Hillary was a lesbian. If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck and acts like a duck ... it's a duck! Hillary made a point of dressing down, had an abusive, sewer mouth like a sailor or drill sergeant and tolerated, even covered for Bill's gargantuan womanizing.

    There have been many, many "rumors" over the years about Hillary being a lesbian. She is a lesbian; more precisely Hillary is a bisexual. Hillary was screwing her law partners Webb Hubbell; she even once said to the Clinton inner circle "I gotta get in Rose ... I'm gonna fuck Hubbell."[Why the Clintons Belong in Prison, MelroseLarry Green, p.270].

    I have every book EVER written on the Clintons and in my opinion Chelsea is probably the seed of Webb Hubbell, NOT Bill Clinton. Probably. Both Webb Hubbell and Chelsea have unusually big lips; Bill does not.

    Secondly, after Hillary was screwing Webb Hubbell, she had a long and very intense affair with Vince Foster who was Hillary's lover, best friend, teacher, confidant and most importantly emotional husband while wild Bill was out screwing every woman within a 15 foot radius. A lot of people think Hillary was some sort of a victim of Bill and Monica and she "stood by her man." What they are going to find out is Hillary is a bisexual who has had many affairs with women, probably had Chelsea with Webb Hubbell and definitely was screwing Vince Foster her closest friend. One reason Vince Foster committed suicide in July, 1993 was because Hillary shunned him when they got to Wash, DC and would not even talk with Vince the last month as he was spiraling down into a suicidal depression. After a couple of Wall Street Journal editorials about him, Foster was mortified that his very long affair with Hillary might become public.

    Hillary's response: give the stiff arm to Vince, rejecting him in his time of greatest need as he spiraled down into a suicidal meltdown. Vince was so depressed he could barely function and was like a walking zombie at work in the White House. His wife Lisa was mad at him 90% of the time. He was under intense work pressure, unable to solve all the legal problems that Hillary and Bill get into every 5 minutes. Worst of all, Vince’s longtime girlfriend, lover and emotional wife Hillary was rejecting him, refusing to talk with Vince the last three weeks of his life as he spiraled down a black hole of depression to his death. Vince he blew his brains out on July 20, 1993. Another victim of Clinton black widow spiders.

    Gennifer Flowers wrote a book, Passion and Betrayal, which came out in 1995. Bill Clinton emphatically and very clearly told Gennifer that Hillary was a lesbian.

    So, is Hillary a lesbian? Gennifer Flowers describes Bill’s response when Gennifer asked Bill if Hillary were a lesbian:

    “There’s something you need to know. I’ve been hearing tales around town that Hillary is having another thing with a woman.” I watched his face to see his reaction, and couldn’t believe it when he burst out laughing. I was stunned! I asked him what was so funny. “Honey,” he said, “she’s probably eaten more pussy than I have.” Bill said he had known for a long time that Hillary was attracted to women, and it didn’t really bother him anymore. His first clue came from her lack of enjoyment of sex with him. She didn’t like to experiment and insisted on the missionary position and nothing else. Because she wasn’t enjoying herself; neither was he. Sex with her became a duty; nothing more.”

    [Flowers, Passion and Betrayal, p.42]

    In fact, Bill would often respond to his buddies who questioned his massive amounts of affairs by saying “Hillary has eaten more pussy than I have.”

    Hillary was also outed at the “1993 March on Washington for Lesbian Gay and Bisexual Rights and Liberation” rally which was held on 4-25-93. [By the way, Bill had raped Juanita Broaddrick on the same day April 25th fifteen years earlier in 1978. Hillary helped to cover up that rape.] Nancy Pelosi read to the gay marchers a letter of support from Bill: http://www.qrd.org/qrd/events/mow/clinton.letter.to.mow

    At some point a lesbian activist stood on the main stage on national TV CSPAN - in front of thousands of homos - joyfully outed Hillary as a fellow lesbian! She said:

    “I’m going to tell you a secret. Hillary Clinton has had a lesbian affair. At last we have a First Lady in the White House that we can fuck!”

    [Texe Marrs, Big Sister is Watching You, p.52]

    Later Rush Limbaugh had a field day discussing this on his radio show … with NO denials from the White House (as if it would matter). Republican insider Jack Wheeler had reported very early in the Clinton Administration that his Secret Service sources were telling him that Hillary was a full blown bisexual. Jack Wheeler said:

    “My sources indicate that Hillary Clinton is bisexual and fools around more than her husband. The stories you hear from the Secret Service, detailed to guard her, are mind boggling … It is Hillary that is pushing the White House’s homosexual agenda.”

    [Jack Wheeler, Strategic Investment newsletter, 2-10-93]

    Wheeler was saying this a mere 20 days into the first Clinton Administration back in 1993 and before the April gay rights rally. Of course, the folks back in Arkansas had known since the 1970’s that Hillary was a switch hitter.

    Also, then there was a prominent Washington, D.C. veterinarian who was visiting the White House to treat Socks the cat and “had opened the wrong door and discovered Hillary locked in a passionate embrace with another woman.” [State of a Union, p. 218] The person spreading this story was a Bill loyalist who had defended him to the max during impeachment.

    Back in Arkansas in the early days, when Paul Fray had confronted Hillary with the lesbian “rumors” about her, Hillary tellingly did not deny them and only responded “Fuck this shit.” [State of a Union, p.219]

    Bull dyke Hillary is probably having a lesbian affair with her aide Huma Abedin

    And they have probably been a lesbian “item” for many years now. Here are some links:

    1) http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1921983/posts

    2) http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1919649/posts

    3) http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/search?m=all;o=time;s=huma%20abedin

    The gossip blog Big Head DC reported an anonymous confirmation of the rumor by an official in the Justice Department in November, 2007:

    We're still a bit incredulous on this one, but a top level U.S. Department of Justice official is telling Big Head DC that Michael Musto's rumor about Hillary Clinton fooling around with one of her top female aides Huma Abedin is based in reality!

    "I am close enough to Hillary and Huma to tell you that this 'rumor' is true," the official says. "It is well known inside her campaign that Hillary and Huma are an item.

    "If you call Hillary's residence in DC first thing in the morning, Huma answers the phone," the official continues. "Same thing late at night and on the road. It's a closely guarded secret that Hillary's inner circle guards at all costs."

    [Big Head DC, November, 2007]

    Who is funding Huma Abedin’s lifestyle? Looks like Hillary’s “lipstick lesbian” to me

    Huma (age 32 in 2007) as recently as March, 2006 was making a base salary UNDER $30,000 per year, perhaps with a $10,000 (maybe) bonus from Hillary. Huma’s parents were university professors and I do not think she comes from family wealth. Huma’s dad died when she was age 17. Huma went to work in the White House as an intern in 1996 and for 10 years she has worked for peanuts. She is now Hillary’s traveling chief of staff and “body person” and not getting paid a whole lot to do that. So HOW IN THE HELL did Huma make enough money to afford to buy a condominium for $649,000 on 9-18-06? On that salary she can’t afford the mortgage payments and if you work for peanuts for 10 years, you definitely don’t have the assets to pay CASH for an expensive condominium.

    And how does Huma afford to wear different designer clothes every day from the likes of Oscar de la Renta, Catherine Malandrino, Charles Nolan, Prava? How does she pay for her weakness for Marc Jacobs bags? I think that Hillary is her Sugar Momma and Huma Abedin is her lovely lesbian lollipop.

    Hillary’s Mystery Woman: Who is Huma? By Jason Spencer of the New York Observer, 4-1-07: http://www.observer.com/node/37040 Huma is an attractive 32 year old lady (2007). James Carville raves about how pretty Huma is. So where is Huma’s boyfriend, fiancé or husband? And where have these guys been the last 5 or 10 years? There are probably a lot of men who would like to go out with an intelligent, well dressed, attractive lady with style. So where are these men?? It is puzzling unless Hillary and Huma Abedin have been in a lesbian relationship for years. That is my guess.


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