Give the Gift of Impeachment - Palast swag for Xmas
Last chance to get a signed copy of Impeach the President by Greg Palast and a host of journalists with smoking guns and good aim - just in time for the Xmas holidays. It's the new book introduced by Howard Zinn from the folks who bring you the Project Censored collection. Donate at least $60 by Wednesday for a signed copy. Donate $100 and we'll include Censored 2008.
And, before President Huckabee requires Bible study for a driver's license, pick up and memorize the latest vote-snatching tricks in my new film, Election Files: The Theft of 2008, taken from the original BBC broadcasts you won't find on the US boob tube. $50 minimum donation, tax-deductible, to the Palast Investigative Fund. Watch the trailer here.
Also: The Assassination of Hugo Chavez, my filmed interviews with Chavez, his opponents, even the man who took Chavez hostage. Watch the trailer here.
You choice: kiss off the annis horribilis with the gift of Impeachment with Zinn and Palast. Or, roast W's chestnuts on an open fire with my guided tour of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue: Armed Madhouse - from Baghdad to New Orleans. Sordid secrets and strange tales of a White House Gone Wild. The hardbound and paperback bestsellers.
I am writing this to you on my flight back to Ecuador on my continuing investigation of Condi's old oil company, Chevron/Texaco and its chemical war on the Cofan Indians. BBC, bless'm, paid my ticket down. No one has paid to get me back with the film. I kid you not. Please make a donation so I can bring back the story you won't see on CNN.
I take no fee from the fund, but it does pay the cost of our cameraman, film, phone and hopefully, the return flight. I went down on faith and a good story lead. But I'd like to return on an airplane. Can you help? Donate $1000 and you'll be listed as a producer of the next film of investigative reports - and get a big box of signed Palast swag by December 25 if you make the donation by Thursday. Help us and Zach can get the camera out of hock (that's another story).
All kidding aside, we have a heavy schedule of investigations for 2008 - from the oiled jungles of Ecuador to the oily voting machinations of Arizona. Please, please, give a year-end contribution to our foundation.
If you were hoping Santa would bring you a waterboard signed by Alberto Gonzales, you won't find that on our site. What you will get for Xmas for your donation are, "Just the facts, ma'am." And that's quite a lot.
When you get the gift of Impeachment, you'll get the original disclosure of The Downing Street Memo (discovered by my UK press colleagues) and other nothing-but-the-truth documents.
Our entire investigative crew wishes you holiday joy; and we give thanks to our supporters who kept us alive this year in those months it got scary. And thanks to Zach for giving up his holiday vacation to film the latest horror show in New Orleans.
And my last message for the year: Peace on Earth. Good will to all men and women.
You got a problem with that, Mr. O'Reilly?
- Greg Palast
P.S. To continue to support us through the new year with a monthly tax-deductible donation please visit:
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