Saturday, January 12, 2008

Eat More, Lose Weight, Stop Dieting

Thanks to for the following

How to Eat More, Lose Weight, Stop Dieting and Feel Great
(and even Look Good Naked)

Lose the Spare Tire, Love Handles, and other "blubber bundles"
Feel energetic all day long
Prevent -even reverse- heart disease, osteoporosis, diabetes, arthritis, Alzheimer's, cancer...
End your "diet" confusion once and for all, using the wisdom of your Stone Age ancestors

Dear Friend,

Do you struggle to eat right? There is so much confusion, conflicting information and flat-out mis-information floating around about what's "good" to eat, and what's the best "diet." It's no wonder we're getting fatter, weaker and sicker.

The Media trots out one new diet craze after another. Who should we listen to: our Mom, our neighbor, the Media, our instincts or the latest fad/diet guru?

Or None of the above? Or All of the above?

Wouldn't it be nice if there were no more diet confusion? No more diets...period?

Is that even possible? Well, yes and no. There will always be "diets"... Americans are notorious for wanting the quick-fix. But you can change. You can forget about "dieting" to lose weight, and start giving your body the foods it was originally designed to eat.

My name is Vince Campbell, and I'm a chiropractor, but I haven't always been a healthy eater. As a kid, I took "All You Can Eat" as a personal goal. I might've even been the original "supersize." I was definitely one of the only kids in my class to wear "husky" size jeans.

As I got older, I explored vegetarian, macro-biotic and other health-supporting diets. Yes, I got healthier for a while, but the "daily-ness" of life started getting in the way. I grabbed lunch at the QuickTrip as I drove between clinics to adjust my patients. I gained 10 or 12 "sympathy" pounds while my wife was pregnant (that I swore I'd never do). And you can see from my "Before" picture that I put on a few more after our daughter was born.

I've gone on just about every "diet" there is, trying to find an easy way to get healthy and stay that way. A way to re-create my ideal body, without feeling deprived. A way to eat that works with my body, as well as my schedule, time constraints, responsibilities, etc.

Live in the Space-Age, Eat in the Stone Age

Current research shows that the Human body is designed to work best with the original "hunter-gatherer" diet of our Stone-Age
ancestors. If you really want to look good, feel good and enjoy life-long health from the Inside-Out, then you've got to start eating the Original Diet - foods that you're genetically programmed to eat.

So, I hunted and gathered as much information as I could about the original human diet, and started eating that way myself. The results were almost startling! I noticed big changes in 30 days. At last!

I've taken what I've learned and summarized, condensed and distilled it, along with my practical experience, and put it all together for you in a course I call "Caveman Cuisine".

"Dr. Vince is on the right track when it comes to following Nature's Laws - or in this case, the Caveman's Laws. I like his program a lot. You will, too."
Matt Furey
author of Combat Conditioning

"Dr. Vince lays it on the line about an excellent way to eat healthy and still enjoy it. He gives you plenty of information to get you started."
Logan Christopher

The Caveman Cuisine. approach is easy to follow: a few simple food-choosing principles and a few easy habits will have profound effect in your physical, even spiritual - well-being.

These Stone Age eating habits can also help prevent - and even reverse - the modern diseases of the Space Age:

Heart Disease
Alzheimer's Disease
Digestive problems/Reflux/GERD

You can adapt Caveman Cuisine to go along with any other type of diet approach you like. (Except, of course, the "see-food" diet.) Caveman Cuisine is the Best of the Best, with all the benefits and none of the drawbacks.

Dr. Vince has FREE tips for Living Enthused to help you be truly healthy, energetic and successful, from the Inside-Out. Sign up NOW!

If you trust me with your address, I promise I'll never let anyone else have it - ever. And you can unsubscribe any time by clicking on the link at the bottom of every email - no questions asked.

The thing I like best about Caveman Cuisine, is that you won't feel deprived. In fact, you can eat as much as you want. But you've got to know the right kinds of food to eat, and that's why you need to get the Caveman Cuisinetm Quick-Start Package.

Caveman Cuisinetm Quick-Start Package. includes a guide book and CD where I spill my guts, open my brain and share my experience with you - giving you the knowledge and motivation you need to design your own healthy eating plan. Here are a few other reasons why you need Caveman Cuisinetm:

This info is tried and true... by historical data, modern scientific research and my own practical experience.
You'll trim your gut, strengthen your brain and reclaim your Health
The plan is simple and easy
You can probably get started with the food you have in your house right now
You can even get started where you eat right now: Eating out, fast food restaurants, TV dinners - even a convenience store (I learned a few tricks there as well)!
Save time, energy and money
Learn what foods to eat - makes meal planning (and clean-up) much simpler
Learn what foods to avoid (there are a few that may surprise you)
By learning the principles of Caveman Cuisine, you'll get the best of both worlds: All the health benefits of being a 21st Century Hunter-Gatherer - without having to live naked in a tropical forest, subsisting on berries, grubs (and the occasional frog), and spending your free time grooming for lice.

Caveman Cuisinetm Quick-Start Package. is not a "quick fix." But it is a quick start to a lifetime of health benefits:
get rid of stress
have better energy
have more enthusiasm
lose weight
look and feel great
get healthy again - from the Inside-Out.

You'll get the Caveman Cuisinetm Quick-Start Guidebook. and CD FREE along with four other valuable bonuses, when you take a "30-day test drive" of the Dr. Vince Caveman Club.

"Dr. Vince, thanks so much for Caveman Cuisine. There seems to be an endless stream of information on what we should or shouldn't be eating. Finally someone has taken all of the conflicting information and boiled it all down and made sense of it all.
"You make it so simple and easy, and yet I know there is a lot of science behind it. This has changed the way I look at and think about food-and that's the first step to a better way of eating and a better life.

"Thanks for bringing it all together and making it easy-and still enjoyable-to eat right."

Chris Killgore
Ruston, LA

What is the Dr. Vince Caveman Club?
The Dr. Vince Caveman Club features a newsletter and CD, delivered to your home or office each month. I've created this program to give you the "tools" you need change your eating habits (and to resolve the common complaints I hear from patients, friends and family when they try to change theirs). Your monthly package will:

keep you motivated
give you practical, immediately useful info
separate fact from fiction, but leave room for "grey areas"
keep you accountable- your monthly package can be a gentle reminder or a swift kick in the pants, whichever you need at the time
give you clear instructions about what to do, and how to do it
Why a newsletter and CD?
Opening the package, reading the newsletter and listening to the CD each month will activate many more senses than just getting an email. And more senses means more of your brain gets involved; which means quicker learning, better retention, and virtually automatic progress.

Why each month?
Well, for one thing, I can't tell you everything I know all at once. You couldn't absorb it all. Too many changes all at once can overwhelm you, frustrate you, and derail your whole program/desire to change.

Another big reason: like Michelangelo said, Ancora Imparo "I am always learning". Since I'm still studying, experimenting and growing myself, regular contact will keep us both from stagnating or losing momentum.

With all the garbage diets in the mainstream marketplace, Caveman Cuisine is a breath of fresh air. It's time that we as a species return to our roots and eat the way we were meant to eat. Dr. Vince's Caveman Cuisine does just that.
It's so simple to use and you will never feel a lack or hunger. There are more than enough options to eat. Best of all it's easy to follow and never hard to do. Your cravings for bad food will be gone. By eating like a Caveman you will get leaner, stronger and more energetic. Most importantly you will be healthier. I highly recommend Caveman Cuisine for anyone wanting to feel and look better.

Eddie Baran
Author of Body Sculpting Bodyweight Exercises for Women and Primate Power

Here's What You'll Get for FREE--When You take the "30-Day Test Drive" of the Exclusive
Dr. Vince Caveman Club:

1. Caveman Cuisine Newsletter & Wheel of Life CD ($34.95/month value)

2. Caveman Cuisine Quick-Start Guidebook & CD ($69 value)

3. Caveman Concentration for Health and Wealth e-book ($49 value)

4. "Wheel of Life" Overview and Self-Assessment ($35 value)

5. Extra-Special Bonus: "Hidden Eyes" Visualization CD (priceless)

6. HUGE Bonus: 30-day e-mail support ($97 value)

Caveman Cuisinetm Newsletter
Each month, you'll get a 4-8 page newsletter jam-packed with relevant, practical information about eating right and how food choices can make or break your health, such as:
Health Highlight - preventing the "diseases of modern civilization"
Food Focus - health implications of traditional or artificial foods
Case study/testimonial
Recipe/meal ideas
Shopping tips
Book reviews
Research updates
Article summaries
and more...
Wheel of Life CD
To be a well-rounded cave-dweller, you need to balance the Physical, Mental, Family, Career, Social, Financial and Spiritual "Spokes" of your life. I've assembled a staff of lifestyle/success experts who are willing to share their secrets with you. You'll get direction, suggestions, tips and other surprises, all designed to help you be successful and healthy.

Now, don't get me wrong. Members of the Dr. Vince Caveman Club get tremendous value from the newsletters and CDs alone. And they normally should be $34.95/month, even without all the bonuses.
But to help you take that small step forward, to make this 30-day Test Drive a no-brainer, I'll let you come on board for the ridiculously low amount of $29.95 per month (automatically billed to your credit card each month, but cancelable at any time if you're not pleased)

— and I'm going to give you all these FREE gifts, too:

Bonus #1: Caveman Cuisinetm Quick-Start Guide Book
The Caveman Cuisinetm Quick-Start Guide includes:
the How's and Why's of Stone Age eating
a 30-day transition plan, making it easier to learn new habits and enjoy better health
Lifestyle Log and Goal Tracker
my favorite breakfast shake recipe
the ultimate anti-inflammatory meal recipe (with infinite variations)
a week's worth of "cave-worthy" frozen food/microwave meal ideas
a weeks' worth of "cave-worthy" fast food (yes, fast food) meal ideas
how to negotiate "grey areas"
Bonus #2:Caveman Cuisinetm Quick-Start CD
This CD makes it easier to make new habits--and break old ones--by giving you another way for you to take this life-changing info into your Mind, as well as your Heart. Listen while driving, walking, relaxing, etc. Includes an overview and explanation of the plan, helpful tips, shortcuts; "The Seven Caveman Connections" "Why Domestication May Be Killing Us" and "The Importance of Gratitude"

Bonus #3: Caveman Concentration for Health and Wealth
Besides the opposable thumb, the Homo Sapien brain is the main thing that makes us human, capable of civilization and personal growth. This e-book will help you re-discover and develop your Mind-Body connection, which is the key to creating the life you want.

Bonus #4: Wheel of Life: Overview and Self-assessment
Balancing your Life can be difficult. But just like learning to ride a bike, it's a lot easier to do if you're moving forward. Food choices part of the "physical" spoke of the Wheel of Life. But there are six other spokes that need your attention if you really want to keep your life balanced. The Wheel of Life shows you those areas, helps you figure out where you are, where you want to go, and gives you a little push in the right direction.

Extra Special Bonus:

"Hidden Eyes" Visualization CD

My friend David Boardman is a percussionist and a Health Rhythms/Fit Rhythms facilitator. David also has a tremendous gift for creating and leading Guided Imagery. He's produced this session especially for members of the Dr. Vince Caveman Club, to help you uncover and reconnect with your Uniqueness, your Roots, your Source.

But, he's only given me permission to make 99 copies, so after they're gone, they're gone. Don't miss out on this special gift (I believe this CD alone is worth the entire cost of your membership)

Another HUGE Bonus: 30-day e-mail support
Getting started with Caveman Cuisine is easy, but getting the new habits engrained can be tricky (old habits die hard, well-meaning friends with bad information, etc). Having a coach can mean the difference between quick success and prolonged frustration. E-mail is an easy way for me to answer those questions, but I normally reserve that for my coaching clients.

If you're one of the first 99 to get the Hidden Eyes CD, I'll give you free unlimited e-mail support during your 30-day Test Drive.

Take advantage of this amazing opportunity

I believe that once you use my program, you'll feel the difference, you'll see that it can help you blow past all your goals and expectations, and you'll want to learn more, grow more, improve MORE.

Choose to be MORE than you are right now. Refuse to be frustrated, confused, or satisfied with mediocrity any longer. Say "Yes" to a one-month test drive of the Dr. Vince Caveman Club today and reclaim your Health, your Energy and your Life.

Make sure you click the button below to enroll NOW...on THIS PAGE ONLY to get all the bonuses.

(Note: Membership in the Dr. Vince Caveman Club is automatically billed at the same $29.95 monthly rate each month. Please notify us if you wish to discontinue this service after your test drive. You can cancel at any time, no questions asked.)

Click the button below and enroll NOW.

Live like You Mean it...

P.S. What's the Value of One Great Health Tip?
Listen. Everyone knows that one great tip can change your life - maybe even SAVE your life. And you'll be getting great tips month after month - not to mention support, news, insights, recipes, motivation, etc...all for less than a dollar a day.

Not only that, but when you think of the extra pounds melting off your body, and the new, healthy YOU emerging - then joining this club is a no-brainer. (Like they say in the GEICO commercial: It's so easy, even a Caveman can do it!)

Need help?

1 comment:

  1. Awesome post, bro!
    Glad to see folks digging deep about diet and nutrition. I have been trying out some coconut oil based dietary choices, and cutting out all sugars and fruits, as well as grains, bread, etc, for at least a month.

    I feel energized and drastically better than I did before I made the change.

    Next, the direction of the caveman diet.



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