Mon December 15, 2008
Survey: Many would take Internet over sex
Story Highlights
Survey: Nearly half of women would forgo sex rather than give up Internet access
More women than men would be willing to give up sex, the survey found
The survey, commissioned by Intel, queried 2,119 adults in the U.S. last month
Most adults also would forgo two weeks of TV over one week of Internet use
By Dawn Kawamoto
(CNET) -- Just how reliant are you on the Internet?
More women would give up sex rather than go without Internet access, according to a new survey.
Nearly half of the women questioned by Harris Interactive said they'd be willing to forgo sex for two weeks, rather than give up their Internet access, according to a study released Monday by Intel, which commissioned the survey.
While 46 percent of the women surveyed were willing to engage in abstinence versus losing their Internet, only 30 percent of the men surveyed were willing to do likewise.
The U.S. survey, which queried 2,119 adults last month, found that the gap grew even wider for both men and woman who were 18 to 34 years old. For woman, the percentage of those willing to skip the sheets in favor of the Web rose to 49 percent, while it climbed to 39 percent for men.
And for women 35 to 44 years old, the figure jumped to 52 percent.
These figures were just some of the tidbits that came out of the Intel's broader commissioned study on Americans' reliance on the Internet in today's economy.
Though not as sexy but equally interesting, the survey also found that 87 percent of respondents said the Internet saves them money.
Specifically, 84 percent of those surveyed found the Internet saved them money by comparing prices online and searching out the best deals, while 65 percent said it aided them in finding coupons, discounts, and special promotions.
And TV, which has been losing its share of eyeball time to the Internet over the years, found that the majority of adults would be willing to forgo two weeks of watching TV versus losing one week on the Internet.
Of course when it comes to TV, perhaps size matters, at least according to a different survey earlier this year of Britons conducted by electronics retailer Comet. Almost half of the men polled said they would give up sex for six months in return for a 50-inch plasma TV, according to Reuters.
That compared with just over a third of women who were willing to make the same sacrifice for the big-screen television.
I read the survey too and it's pretty crazy how reliant our culture has become on the Internet. I definitely couldn't live without it. And even providers like Clear ( are making it easier for users to stay connected to the web, no matter where they are. I bet those stats will increase drastically in the next few years.