Tuesday, December 16, 2008

What's next for Jesse Jackson Jr.?


What's next for Jesse Jackson Jr.?
Rep. Jackson not yet in clear with feds in probe of gov: sources
December 12, 2008

Even though U.S. Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. says he has gotten a clean bill of health from federal prosecutors, sources tell the Chicago Sun-Times he's not yet in the clear.

Investigators want to know what Jackson knew about allegations that a Jackson "emissary" offered to raise at least $1 million in campaign contributions for Gov. Blagojevich in exchange for appointing the Democratic congressman to a U.S. Senate seat, sources say.

Jackson has denied wrongdoing and has said he is to meet with investigators as early as today.

Blagojevich holds the power to appoint the successor to President-elect Barack Obama's vacant seat. The governor was arrested Tuesday on allegations he put the position up for sale.

The criminal complaint against Blagojevich indicates the governor and his brother discussed picking Jackson over other candidates for the post because a Jackson "emissary" promised at least $1 million in campaign contributions in exchange.

"I never sent a message or an emissary to the governor to make an offer, to plead my case or to propose a deal about a U.S. Senate seat, period," Jackson said Wednesday.

Jackson also said the feds have signaled he is not in their sights. "They shared with me that I am not a target of this investigation, and that I am not accused of any misconduct," Jackson said.

But a source in Blagojevich's camp said Thursday that representatives of Jackson approached Blagojevich's brother Robert, who is the governor's campaign-finance chairman, about the open seat. Jackson has identified himself as the "Senate Candidate 5" listed in Blagojevich's criminal complaint.

"In a recorded conversation on October 31, 2008, Rod Blagojevich described an earlier approach by an associate of Senate Candidate 5 as follows: 'We were approached "pay to play." That, you know, he'd raise me 500 grand. An emissary came. Then the other guy would raise a million, if I made him [Senate Candidate 5] a senator,' " the complaint states.

The complaint later alleges Blagojevich demanded that the money start flowing.

"Some of this stuff's gotta start happening now ... right now ... and we gotta see it," Blagojevich told a fund-raiser, according to the complaint.

"You understand?"

Sources say investigators are still sorting through information and interviewing witnesses to determine who knew what. The "emissary" has not been identified, and Jackson's father, the Rev. Jesse Jackson, issued a statement Thursday night saying the person is not him.

"Our office has received calls today inquiring about or suggesting that I or a member of my family served as an emissary in Governor Blagojevich's 'pay-to-play' scheme, revealed through wire-taps, to fill the state's open Senate seat," Rev. Jackson said. "It is not true."

Rep. Jackson met with Blagojevich for 90 minutes Monday about the Senate seat. The governor's arrest the next day was not related to the meeting with Jackson -- it had been planned more than a week before, sources say.

While the feds taped discussions about the Senate selection, the meeting with Jackson was not recorded because it took place in a Thompson Center office that was not bugged.

After the meeting, both Jackson and Blagojevich appeared elated.

"When the governor came out, he looked pretty happy," according to one source. Jackson was described as excited about his chances of getting appointed to finish Obama's Senate term, according to sources.

Blagojevich then headed to a small fund-raiser thrown by attorney Gery Chico. Chico, a former top aide to Mayor Daley, is president of the Chicago Park District Board.

The next morning, the governor was arrested. The contributors, Chico said, canceled their checks within hours.

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