Wednesday, November 26, 2008
By Nathan Diebenow
Zombie Bankers Feast On U.S. Economy
No one knows who they are. No one knows how many there are. No one knows how much they are using the healthcare system. No one knows how much they are contributing to the economy and the tax base. Who is this mysterious cabal endangering America’s national security? While they might fit the description, it’s not undocumented workers living in the United States. It’s the zombie bankers feasting on Wall Street!
No one knows anything about these flesh eaters and their activities other than Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson and a few survivalist reporters that have covered the orgy from ground zero. But every zombie hunter knew what these vermin would do with the $700 billion in free money Congress and President George W. Bush released to them. Since there were no strings attached to the citizens’ bones, the zombie bankers proceeded to spend it on dividends, salaries, mergers, and lots and lots of bonuses. The farthest thing from their decaying minds was to feed credit-starved businesses, working families, and college students.
Yet if real brain-hungry zombies had invaded America, forget about asking undocumented workers to give any wounded survivors a lift to safety. Illegals have no license to drive around here, remember? In Texas, if undocumented workers are living here legally, they must jump through more hoops before they renew their state-issued drivers’ licences or identification cards. As of Oct. 1, 2008, these workers must produce proof of legal residence — all in the name of national security! Moreover, legal immigrants who apply for temporary residency renewal six months before it expires are left hanging. No licence, no ID card, no nothing.
Okay, so where are Zombie Street’s hoops to dine? Where is Zombie Street’s timetable of repayment for accepting $2 trillion from the Federal Reserve in emergency loans? Where is Zombie Street’s proof it hasn’t already started a "Great Depression" by its own acceptance of tax breaks above and beyond the original feeding-frenzy bill? And why does the U.S. government helping the Big Three automakers — but not Zombie Street — get labled "protectionist"? Why are the Big Three the "cry babies," yet Zombie Street gets no tough love for its bitching? Why not treat the Big Three and Zombie Street the same? Restructure their business systems!
Naomi Klein, author of The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism, is unfortunately wrong now. Wall Street is not a "multi-trillion-dollar crime scene" anymore. It’s a bloodbath. It’s Night of the Living Capitalists.
Congress must do what traditional zombie hunters do during a zombie invasion. Aim for their heads, which means in this case, figuratively speaking, of course, jail their leaders. Or if that’s too extreme, President Barack Obama come Jan. 20, 2009, could follow Sen. Bernie Sanders’ recommendation for the second course of the feeding-frenzy.
"We should use the second $350 billion tranche to create millions of good paying jobs rebuilding our crumbling bridges, roads, culverts, schools and water systems. We can also create millions of jobs by moving away from foreign oil and fossil fuels and into energy efficiency and sustainable energies," the Independent Vermont senator said.
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