Tuesday, May 19, 2009

FeedBack: Gaga & John Walker Lindh

Herbert Barry Woodrose on "Gaga 4 Gaga":

This was like reading the in-between-murder parts of American Psycho. But at least I can say I know a lot more about Lady Gaga. Considering I'd never heard of her before this, and have now seen 5 of her videos and a backstage romp video.

What's intriguing about her for me is how odd she looks. She's thick bodied, which almost never happens. She has really strange features. And all at the same time she exudes NYC art-show. This isn't really for me, but I'm curious now whether this is going to pan out as you say.

A really long time ago I was doing extra work on The Bold and the Beautiful, and there was a special guest star one of the days I was on. This short, lightweight no-talent was in the middle of a push, of which Bold and Beautiful was one piece, to fabricate a presence on the charts. I was just sooo sure this lightweight was a nothing, a loser; it was really irritating that the female stars of the show were really starry eyed around him, and walking around absent-mindedly - but full-throatedly - singing his song while getting coffee, or peeing.

I mean, this guy had nothing. NOTHING! No charm, no special talent, no great voice, no charisma. I wasn't even sure he was fully awake. I'm still not, frankly.

I remember coming home and saying "Puh-lease. Even the name is retarded. What the hell is so exciting about an Usher?"

Herbert Barry Woodrose on Free John Walker Lindh:

I remember this guy back when the bullshit around occupying Afghanistan got started. At the time I was one of those firm believers that "if it was true certainly we'd see at least a hint of it on CNN." I was scandalized, like much of my countrymen, at this American who had switched over to the modern version of the Nazis and had actually fired weapons on "our boys".

I feel like such an asshole right now reading this.

1 comment:

  1. Hi listen... thanks for the information on this blog, but I won't visit it again, because you never answer my questions... I find it very interesting and entertaining, but its a shame because you're so unfriendly with me! I think you're a good blogger but I need a relationship between us and I am so sad right now for your fault. j2j3


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