Last week there was a 'mishap' at the Indian Point nuclear power plant forty miles north of New York City. Turns out an underground pipe leaked 100,000 gallons of water that would be used to cool the reactor in case it overheated.
Back in March, Indian Point was given the fifth consecutive top safety rating by federal regulators. If the safest nuke plant our country has is leaking 100,000 gallons of cooling water, it's time to move on from this ridiculous energy source.
I'm asking you today to join me in calling on the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to reject a proposal to keep Indian Point open for another twenty years:
This incident reminded me of my first experience with environmental activism. I was fourteen, and New York State proposed a nuclear waste storage facility eight miles from my high school. My friends and teachers and I went to town hall meetings, protests, and wrote letters. Eventually we won, and the proposal was shelved. But it was a hollow victory.
I realized the waste would have to go somewhere. If not my town then someone else's. Outside of the potential of a meltdown and the safety systems to fail (thanks to one small hole in one pipe), there's the reality that nuclear waste is toxic for tens of thousands of years.
Please join me in calling on the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, and tell them no more Indian Power Plant.
After you've sent your email, help further by forwarding this along to your friends and family - and thanks for your work.
Dan Stafford
Environmental Action Organizer
Dan, I hope you've been enjoying all the fossil power waste that has gone into your lungs, onto your skin, into your food for the last 30 years.
ReplyDeleteMaybe it hasn't yet developed into the skin cancer, lung cancer, colon cancer & emphysema that it is headed into becoming, but give it time.
Aside from the nitrous oxide, carbon dioxide, mercury and PCB's , as well as several dozen other aromatic hydrocarbons with names too long to write here, the fossil power plant gunk that you have been breathing, eating, and rubbing on with your suntan lotion all your life is also giving you a much more intimate introduction to U235 Uranium than Indian Point ever could.
You see coal, and other fossil fuels contain raw uranium, and radioactive thorium.
Since their smoke output is unregulated (unlike the nuclear industry) they have been shipping YOU their waste all your life, without your permission, without your knowlege, and without any objection either, apparently.
But why should I rain on your protest parade? It feels SO good to protest, to organize, to meet new friends, to sing Kumbaya with Pete Seeger, and then roast corn dogs around the campfire while the fossil cancer gunk rains down around your ears.
The water that escaped at Indian Point was more pure than your sinful little soul is. It is/was pure enough to wash most of the PCB's out of any filthy, stinking Hudson river water. And it was/is certainly more pure than the twisted crapola claptrap antinuke cult rant that forms the basis of this blog.
Nuclear is on the verge of saving the entire human race, and you want to ban it.
Makes sense to me.
K U M B A Y A L O R D,
K U M B A Y A L O R D,
K U M B A Y A,