Exposing the “con” in the confidence game, how profits are privatized and losses socialized, how the rule makers bend and break the rules to enrich themselves and their financial backers, a new film skillfully identifies key aspects of the systemic nature of the problem, a first step in the awesome task of breaking that pattern.
ST LOUIS, MO (PRWEB) May 22, 2009 -- Carol Brouillet writes, a new documentary, Life on the Edge of a Bubble is a fast-paced kaleidoscopic look at the bubbles, panics, and depressions that have reoccurred almost like clockwork every twenty years since the United States government joined forces with the banking interests, back in the 1700’s. Using vintage footage, slick TV ads, revelatory statements made by politicians and Federal Reserve chairmen, in the course of the most recent bailouts, the film is paced like a roller coaster, punctuated by thoughtful statements and the dramatic chronicling of past human follies.
“Fantastic footage… so chock full of information you cannot afford to miss it.”
JD – In Your Face Radio
“A HARD LESSON – Should be viewed by every high school senior and college student.”
Jim Straight – Straight Talk Radio
-- What is the American Dream?
-- Do we really have a free market or is the game rigged from the start?
-- Are we in a recession or the beginnings of the 4th Great U.S. Depression?
-- Why can’t the experts ever see the crash coming?
Life On The Edge of A Bubble - Blowing The American Dream
Producer Mike Berger captivates radio audiences with a wellspring of financial cliffhangers and predatory political practices that make the call lines light up. Find out why Mike is the workingman’s voice as he highlights our country’s congressional blunders and unveils the real connection between Wall Street and Capitol Hill.
Why is the American Dream down for the count? Ask Mike…
MEDIA CONTACT: Producer/Director William Lewis, william@bridgestonemediagroup.com
TRAILER & DVD AVAILABLE AT http://www.LifeOnTheEdgeofABubble.com
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