Sunday, August 2, 2009

Alternate realities behind the UFO phenomenon

Alternate realities behind the UFO phenomenon: my topic at the 2009 Paranormal Symposium in Angel Fire, New Mexico
Norio Hayakawa

This is to inform you that it is my great honor and pleasure to be able to speak at the up-coming 2009 Paranormal Symposium which will be held from September 11 to 13 at beautiful Angel Fire, New Mexico.

There will be many fascinating speakers at this Symposium.

For more information, you can go to:

My basic topic at the symposium will be the summation of the Dulce Underground Base Conference which was held in Dulce, New Mexico in March of 2009. The impact of that unprecedented conference still seems to be felt even to this day.

Along with my summation of the Dulce topic, I will go into my favorite subject: alternate realities behind the "UFO pheonomenon".

As some of you may know, beginning in the late 1970's I completely abandoned my former beliefs in the so-called physical nuts-and-bolts ET spacecraft hypothesis of the orgins of the UFO phenomenon.

Even while doing research and investigations into the Area 51 base in Nevada from 1988 until a few years ago, I remained rather skeptical that there were any physical, alien-related realities behind the base. The same with Dulce, New Mexico. I remain skeptical about the existence of the physical, Dulce underground joint U.S./alien bio-lab.

There is no question in my mind that there is "something" lurking behind the facade of Area 51 in Nevada as well as Dulce, New Mexico. But it's not physical.

I am a strong believer that there are "other realities" co-existing in these areas, and this will be my topic at the Sympsium in Angle Fire.

I strongly support the basic theories of both John A. Keel and Dr. Jacques Vallee and I will go into the details as to why.

There is much, much more to this world than what we can physically see...

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