Thursday, December 10, 2009

John Pilger: Tell Me No Lies

by Greg Palast

I was in deep, deep, hot, hot water with my editors at The Guardian in London. The paper was facing a ruinous suit by George Bush Sr.'s business buddies because of one of my stories. Then a tall, Aussie of dramatic demeanor walked uninvited in my boss' offices and said, "Yes, Palast is trouble. But he's good trouble."

John Pilger's intervention helped save my sorry behind.

Now he's saved my stories, and the stories of Seymour Hersh, Edward Galenao, Edward R. Murrow, Robert Fisk, the assassinated investigator of the Chechen War, Anna Politkovskaya, and many others in a big, fat—626 pages!—book of what he says is, "Journalism that changed the world." It's called Tell Me No Lies.

For the holidays, make a donation (minimum $65) and I'll sign and send you a copy of this astonishing compendium of killer reporting.

"Secretive power loathes journalists who do their job: who push back screens, peer behind façades, lift rocks. Opprobrium from on high is their badge of honour."

You go, John!

Do you know someone who wants to lift rocks and push back screens of official BS? Get them Tell Me No Lies and I'll personalize it to them. Your support is my badge of honor.

And there's another compendium I recommend: The Secret Histories: Hidden Truths That Challenged The Past And Changed The World.

The greats are here: I.F. Stone, Neil Sheehan, Woodward and Bernstein on Watergate and two stories by your humble servant Palast.

Or go whole hog for the truth-hounds: Get both books, No Lies and Secret, signed for a minimum donation of $100.

Did you see our terrific report on Democracy Now this week? That report was made possible by you, our supporters, through your donations to our non-profit Investigative Journalism Fund. Thank you so much for your continued support during these difficult times.

More DVDs, audio CDs and copies of my books, including the story that almost got me fired—actually, several that almost got me fired—are available in time for the holidays at

When you donate, Santa will give you a tax-deduction and our crew will send you our thanks.
For the holidays: Peace, good will and the truth.

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