WaterCar Movie
A film, music video and companion book that goes in search of:
A car that uses water 4 fuel
The Goal: To drive this 72 Mustang cross country powered by water. Steve Schappert and Alexandra Bruce are forming BIOS WaterCar Entertainment LLC. in order to produce a film, music video and companion book about the project. Exploring the many stories both myth and legend that have surfaced over the years and focusing on how this technology will affect everyday people.
The process of creating the BIOS WaterCar began in Brookfield CT with Schappert and old friend and now crew chief for the WaterCar project, Steve Melycher. The first steps to driving a 72' Mustang cross country is, getting it to run and run well, Melycher was instrumental to this process. As a former Crew Chief for a MR2 racing team and owner of of a 67 Firebird with 475 horses his knowledge and belief in the project are much appreciated! We will spend the next month comparing the different technologies available for hydrogen generators and install our best in class amidst the 17 live bands and bike and car rally at GREEN FEST in New Haven on June 4-6 2010, please come see us! Then we will begin our journey zigzagging across the country meeting with folks in the hydrogen industry, picking up hints where we can. The story is one of hope and the reality is that water and sunlight is all the energy we will ever need. Over 2000 people from all over the world have lent their support to this project in the first 9 days.
Can one million minds working together find the answer to the energy crisis? Typically scientists work alone, I am asking everyone to work together, share ideas, create a worldwide think tank with one goal. Use the universe's most abundant element to create safe, useful energy...hydrogen on demand. Hydrogen made on site without need for dangerous storage tanks. Uses include welding, home heating and yes automotive applications. Lets face it, if the technology worked, it could power anything including freight trains and cargo ships.
Grass Roots Project: We aren't waiting for giant corporate sponsors, although we happily await the phone calls, we are taking things in to our own hands and asking the people of the world to help anyway they know how. Could you send a few bucks for car parts, give us a warm bed and a cold beer, a private garage each night (don't want to park it outside a hotel and wonder if it will be there in the morning : ). Are you in the automotive industry and familiar with sand blasting, auto body, engines, brakes, anything at all? The car will be a work in progress, it will be a joint creation and we hope to piece together the technology and the car along the way. We aren't doing this to file a patent, we are doing it to prove that mankind can do anything we set our minds to. This is worth investigating. I am asking you to send this to everyone you know, knowledge is power. See What NASA had to say about Using Hydrogen in a car in 1977
What we have:
An original 72 Mustang with a straight six and a ram air hood.
new tires, brakes, radiator, solenoid, distributor, carburetor, new shocks, struts. Purchase and work over 8 years, about $9000. 2000 Cherokee sport that we will install a hydrogen generator in and use as our chase vehicle. If budget allows we also have access to a 1967 Firebird with 450 horsepower that would go along way toward scientific research.
What we need:
The water car is a grass roots effort to find the answers to the energy crisis. Instead of one big corporate sponsor how about we all pitch in? Great advertising potential from the adventure, Countless interviews, our music video, movie and companion book.
What we need:
Music...old cassette deck and one speaker in the middle of the dash, just not cutting it for cross country trip. Paint and minor body work, although the black primer has a very blues brothers feel to it!
Transmission slips (feels like seals), Rebuild the engine would be nice (it runs but doesn't have all the power it had out of the show room. Remember this is a gas crunch Mustang from 1972, it only had 99 horsepower on a good day. A new engine with 420 horses running on water would be pretty cool!)
New rag top
Interior not bad, but could use a makeover
Hydrogen technology
need to reregister, go through emissions (never been a problem) and put insurance on it, I'll know more soon.
You can make a huge difference simply by sharing this with someone.
Care to share or lend support? If you have information you would like to share or would simply like to lend your support for the project go to and add a post, or add it to our Facebook group. Stan Meyers allegedly developed a car that could run on water using a water fuel cell. To be clear we have not built mine yet, we are searching for answers, can you help? There is a great deal of disinformation on this subject floating around.
Learning is Fun damental: Think I learned that from "big bird" on sesame street when I was 4 years old. This is serious business, however; an idol of mine once said, “Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” - Mahatma Gandhi So I am gonna make this as fun as possible while educating as many people as possible. I also feel compelled to quote 2 other idols of mine, Jake & Elwood,
Elwood: It's 106 miles to Chicago, we got a full tank a gas, half a pack a cigarettes, it's dark and we're wearing sunglasses.
Jake: Hit it.
Elwood: They're not gonna catch us. We're on a mission from God.
Yup, that's right Gandhi & the Blues Brothers, can't get more soul than that! Click here for a sound track suggestion and don't forget to sing along!
Music Video Concept: Lots of clips from cross country trip, GreenFest using the basic concept of the environmental ballet infused with the BIOS theme song, "Let's Go"
Some of what I know: Fortunately this changes daily, but here is the cliff notes version. What I have been told, read or viewed on youtube so far. Stan Myers mysteriously died of food poisoning the day after getting a $ 30 million grant from the dept of defense to build a research facility. His patent is readily available on Google Patents but there are pieces missing. We just received further information on the where abouts of the car and his notes...more soon! Honestly the story reads like a dime store version of a Greek classic. Stan Died 12 years ago, how many soldiers have we sent to the middle east since then to defend oil.
Have I been told my life will be in danger for doing this...yes I have, many times, but knowledge is power. There already have been many patents filed by people all over the world, and Dan Nocera is currently working on the issue with funding from the recovery act. So please don't kill the messenger. : )
Learn more about the technology from the world's leader in artificial photosynthesis, Dan Nocera. Intro to Dan Nocera and the future of energy.
Personalized Energy: MIT Professor Dan Nocera believes he can solve the worlds energy problems with an Olympic-sized pool of water. Nocera and his research team have identified a simple technique for powering the Earth inexpensively by using the sun to split water and store energy - making the large-scale deployment of personalized solar energy possible
Can you please help us?
Send an email to
It would be greatly appreciated if you could send us a few bucks through PayPal?
Personally my finances are on life support so every penny counts! I was building a green living expo when the market crashed, lost everything. Sorry this is not a tax deductible donation, yet, it is called a gift : ) (can't afford the $400 for the 501c3 to file non profit status, but that is on the list.) The BIOS Organization is currently in the concept stage and we plan to file Non profit & Corporate docs in a few months. Find out more
Thank you in advance...
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