Sunday, July 25, 2010

Univeralist Unitarianism: Mind Control Cult

Univeralist Unitarianism: Mind Control Cult
Jaye Beldo

A few years ago a ‘well-meaning’ neighbor kept insisting that I go to the local Unitarian Church with her. Trusting my gut instincts, I politely declined and successfully hid my irritation at her persistence. The Unitarian Church proclaims a ‘creedless', liberal’ and ‘tolerant’ perspective on all forms of spirituality, sexual and political orientation. At least that is the surface story that is offered up to its members. A few months ago, this same woman then dropped me as a friend after playing this ‘concerned’ and ‘motherly’ role during what at the time was a very stressful period of my life in regards to caretaking my elderly parents-for reasons that still remain unknown. So much for unconditional Unitarian love. Incidentally, the woman was also pressuring my parents to attend the church as well, even offering to drive them there while knowing of their elderly and frail condition. They too wisely declined the offer. As I passed by her house one day recently, wondering why she suddenly snubbed me, I felt this chill, accompanied by low level, very negative thoughts that persisted for quite some time afterwards.

In fact, they persisted for about three weeks.

In meditation one morning, I then saw the origin of the disturbance, i.e., what appeared to be a steel band around my third eye, something previously encountered during a brush with the Elizabeth Claire Prophet cult and which I describe in greater detail in my book Autobiography of a Monarch Butterfly. My spiritual guides then removed this etheric band from my forehead and I must confess I was rather shocked to see under all the so called broad minded, ‘creedless’ tolerance of the church, a distinctly Luciferic entity feeding off the energy bodies of church members-taking advantage of the 'liberal' premise in the group mind to conviently hide behind. It looked very similiar to the entity behind the Elizabeth Claire Prophet cult. My ego rejected these insights but after a few days the persistent negative thoughts I was having disappeared and I felt more at peace. Insight always leads to release, if wisdom is gained from the experience and if it is authentic.

Then suddenly I remembered that I had given a talk on my dream work at a Unitarian Church in Minneapolis in the early ‘90s. My impression at that time was that the church was really a kind of single’s bar using a spiritual premise to make it seem that it was operating at a higher level than a meat market. As I gave my dream spiel to the audience, there was this guy with a shirt unbuttoned to the navel sitting in the front row, flaunting a bear claw necklace. It took everything I had to keep from laughing at this spiritual stud no doubt ready to prey on some vulnerable widow afterwards and worm his way into her life.

Even weirder, I then recalled one of my ‘polite’ responses to the woman included one where I said I would only go if I could give a talk at the Unitarian church. I went home and actually began to put a Powerpoint program together entitled: New Age COINTELPRO and the Optimism Gestapo-rife with photographs of so called ascended masters such as Koot Hoomi, New Age con-artists like Neale Donald Walsch, etc. and wrote some notes for the lecture on… Luciferic deception in the New Age movement. It was purely an unconscious move on my part-perhaps both to distance and protect myself from the influences of the Unitarian Universalist Church and in retrospect, too eerie to ignore considering I was addressing the heart of the beast itself in my intended lecture.

This same women-using the ‘good intentions’ ploy no doubt, also took it upon herself to do some matchmaking for me and introduced me to another woman- a stunningly brilliant artist with a sensitive and deep soul. The relation ended only a few months later-quite horribly/harshly-as if forces were pitting us against one another that we both had little control over. Meditating, praying for insights, I could see how we were both being manipulated by these dark forces working through the so called church and the woman herself-although very unconsciously on her part. It left me feeling very bitter-at being used in that way-and I wished I could have met this person outside the realm of these malicious influences. I really think my spiritual guides were protecting me all along as I probably couldn’t have handled the insights during the time that I was interacting with the artist.

Recently, I came across an excellent observation about 'good-intenders', in William Gray's book Exorcising the Tree of Evil:

"If well-meaning but weak people act with good intentions but feeble effect, this may be commandeered by intelligent agents of evil motives, and misappropriated accordingly."

This certainly seems to be the case with the above mentioned woman who had no awareness of how evil was working through her. Since then, I've used this experience to further my discrimatory skills especially in regards to people who appear to be decent and good but are unconscious vehicles for negative forces. A pre-requisite to doing this has involved getting rid of my Aquarian optimism and tendency to want to think the best of people. Not anymore!

As always, when disturbing information surfaces, I tend to want 'tangible' information, a 'conclusive' verification that my reactions, gut instincts are valid. Attempting to ground my experiences out, I came across some disturbing information that at least confirms my initial misgivings about attending the church. In Robert D. Morningstar's book review on A Certain Arrogance by George Michael Evica I discovered that:

"...the Unitarian Church and the Quaker movement, were used as "fronts" in the selection and culling of candidates for espionage and special operations by America's intelligences services, OSS and CIA, domestically and abroad."

On another net search, I also found that Greg Paker, from states:

"The Unitarian Church/International Association for Religious Freedom owned and operated the Albert Schweitzer College to which Oswald applied while still in the Marines with Thornley at Santa Ana.

During this same period, publisher r-w RC Hoile was giving lectures at Unitarian Churches and Exchange Clubs in Orange County. Also touring Unitarian Churches in the area at that time giving lectures were Stephen Fritchman, Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow - all representing the Western Behavioral Sciences Institute (WBSI).

Vaughn Marlowe has advised that he knew a Skinnerite at UCLA who was associated with the WBSI - leaving open the distinct possibility that Skinner himself was associated with it.

BF Skinner was a product of Army Intelligence. The book A Clockwork Orange was based on Skinner's experiments in behavioral control. Skinnerites were supporters of his theories involving reward/punishment."

Quite a bizarre alliance IMO-a church purportedly promoting ‘univeralist’ spiritualist values and allowing Skinnerites to give lectures there. Spirit is supposed to something free-not modified, behaviorally speaking.

From a 'Christian' perspective, here is what Contender Ministries observes about the Unitarian Church:

"It is evident that the draw of this cult is that it provides a release of each individual from accountability. As you will see, they profess that all will be saved, so everyone must follow the spiritual path of their choosing. It is a convenient departure from personal responsibility and accountability. The UU says, "Everyone is okay, so just live life the way you want to."

Before you write me off as a totalizing crank, I realize there are always exceptions to cult rules and I don’t want to come off like most conspiracists do who use convienient blanket analysis to write off whatever they suspect is a cult-however one must consider that any group mind whether created by the Unitarian Church or a seemingly benign politcal organization is vulnerable to infiltration by negative forces-who then hide behind the consensus and become very difficult to detect and locate. It is interdimensional COINTELPRO and we all must be on guard-heighten our perceptions and trust our gut feelings. In the case of the friendly Unitarian Church invite I received, if I had let my guard down fully, I could have been in worse trouble. So believer beware!

1 comment:

  1. Wow. You are a complete fruitcake. I'm just saying. I've read some things I consider silly, but this is a new level of ranting incoherence, though I am impressed at how seriously you take yourself. You presume spiritual superiority by your own belief system, so how, then, are you different then Christians (& et al) who do the same? You don't really have to answer that question, as I'm fairly certain no one cares.


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