Monday, October 18, 2010

Obama Lifts Moratorium on Offshore Drilling, Pissing Off Everyone
Obama Lifts Moratorium on Offshore Drilling, Pissing Off Everyone
Blue Texan
Wednesday October 13, 2010

I think the headline of this piece, “Greens Scoff at Drilling Plan, GOP Shrugs,” really says so much about the Obama administration:

President Barack Obama’s announcement Wednesday that he’ll lift bans on new drilling for oil and natural gas off much of the U.S. coastline drew criticism from environmentalists and halfhearted welcomes from Republicans, even as Obama called it only one part of a broad strategy to reduce foreign oil dependence and enact climate change policy. His administration will allow further study and new drilling to proceed from Delaware to Florida, starting with leases off the Virginia coast, as well as off the oil-rich eastern Gulf of Mexico.

Once again, it’s show your base the back of the hand, while getting no Republican support in the process.

Who are the non-conservative, pro-drill-baby-drill voters who will be motivated to pull the lever for Democrats in a few weeks by this?


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