Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Hell, No! Tell President Obama and His Catfood Commission


Hell, No! Tell President Obama and His Catfood Commission: Hands off Social Security
Michael Whitney
Wednesday November 10, 2010

Hands Off Social Security:
Sign the Petition

Tell President Obama and his Catfood Commission to keep their hands off Social Security.

Social Security cuts are coming for “virtually every American alive and those yet to be born,” in the words of Eric Kingson, co-chair of the Strengthen Social Security Campaign.


And for what? Corporate tax cuts.

Seriously: the co-chairs of President Obama’s deficit commission want to cut Social Security benefits for everyone making more than $25,000 a year. And then cap corporate taxes at just 26%.

Every member of this commission, every member of Congress, and President Obama himself must reject these insane ideas. We’re starting an emergency petition to President Obama, and his Catfood Commission to take Social Security cuts off the table.

The proposed cuts to Social Security are so deep, for so many people. This is a direct attack on America’s middle class for the benefit of Corporate America.

We have an opening to keep Social Security safe. Today’s report consists of the recommendations of the Catfood Commission’s co-chairs, who were appointed by President Obama. You’ll remember one of them: Alan “Social Security is a Milk Cow with 310 Million Tits” Simpson. He’s the guy who also said the Catfood Commission had to cut Social Security to “help the lesser people of society.”

Simpson’s ideas are so awful, sixteen other members of the Catfood Commission didn’t want to touch it. Problem is, this is the “starting point” for discussions. This will be negotiated, and many of these awful ideas could be in the final proposal.

We owe our citizens better than a retirement with cat food on the dinner table. That’s why we call it the Catfood Commission: the proposed Social Security cuts to virtually every American would mean far less money in their pockets.

It’s bad enough to even think about cutting Social Security – but to do it to pay for corporate tax cuts? That’s insane. We need to make sure they hear us loud and clear: hands off of Social Security.

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