Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Nintendo Goes 3D

Nintendo has released it's 3DS system, a handheld machine that has 3D gaming without the goofy glasses.
Yes, it's $250, more than a Wii, XBox 360 or an iPod Touch. Still, new gaming hardware always starts with a higher premium price. It allows you to take 3D photos and videos, and is backwards compatible with most Nintendo DS titles. The resolution is 320 X 240 pixels on the lower screen and 800 X 240 on the top, and soon will be able to stream movies and TV shows from Netflix. One big negative: a 3.5 hour battery life, which cuts down on portability for now. There's already two winner titles for the system: LEGO Star Wars 3: The Clone Wars and Nintendogs + Cats.

Robalini's Verdict: if Nintendo gives me a free one, I'll plug this shamelessly...

Six things to love (and hate) about the Nintendo 3DS
Winda Benedetti


  1. Did you hear about all the people getting nauseous from this?

  2. If I get a free one from Nintendo, I won't care if it makes me throw up...


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