Sunday, July 31, 2011

Steamshovel Press Update

Kenn Thomas

Steamshovel Press is spending this week trying to get out to more people everything it produced last week. This includes the following web site/blog editorials/blogs:

At Silver Screen Saucers:

At Skylaire Alfvegren’s LOWFI Fortean site:

Recent audio interviews with Steamshovel’s Kenn Thomas appear here:

Two with Whitley Strieber:

On Greg Bishops’s Radio Misterioso:

On The Paracast:

And “Long Overdue Book Reviews” have been appearing at, along with the “Parapolitics Offhand”.
The current “product line” includes: the flagship book, JFK & UFO; the new PDF offering, Popular Parapolitics; the DVD of Tim Leary w/Kenn Thomas, Café Chaos; and a back issue special. Plus a new intro by Kenn Thomas appears in the recent re-issue of Jim Keith’s Casebook on the Men in Black and an article on Nazis UFOs by Kenn appears in Tim Beckley’s Round Trip to Hell In A Flying Saucer.

Steamshovel also has a new facebook account and a facebook page. Go check it out, “like” it and recommend it to others.

So have fun with all that! Direct any feedback to Steamshovel’s new gmail addy:

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