Saturday, July 2, 2011

Vote 4 Beast of the Year 2011!

Who is The Konformist Beast of the Year?
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It's time for the annual pick of The Konformist Beast of the Year.

One nominee was chosen each month from May 2010 to April 2011. Here are the choices:

May 2010: Obamacare
The "health care reform" plan passed by Congressional Democrats and Barack Obama which is a betrayal of the real health reform movement, leading to a plan created by right wing think tanks in the 90s presented falsely as a progressive legislative victory that is deservedly unpopular with the public

June 2010: Russell Pearce
Racist Arizona state senator who wrote AB1070, the law that scapegoats Hispanics in an offensive and unconstitutional manner

July 2010: Tony Hayward
Clueless CEO of British Petroleum, the oil giant whose massive failures have caused an ecological disaster in the Gulf of Mexico

August 2010: Geert Wilders
Muslim-bashing Dutch politician who represents the latest far-right politician to gain political power in Europe thanks to crude race-baiting

September 2010: Ben Roethlisberger
Two-time Super Bowl champion and two-time alleged rapist, the latest example of really bad behavior in professional sports

October 2010: Pamela Geller
Proving Europe isn't alone in scapegoating Muslims, hysterical leader of opposition to the so-called "Ground Zero Mosque"

November 2010: Teabaggers
Huge winners of the 2010 election, a group of fake "populist" politicians who have exploited legitimate economic frustrations in the most repellant of ways

December 2010: Janet Napolitano
For heading the Department of Homeland Security, the department whose "enhanced patdown" policy at airports via the Transportation Security Agency has led to gross violations of basic civil liberties

January 2011: Alan Simpson
As co-chair of Barack Obama's National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform, leader of the unsuccessful movement to cut Social Security under the bogus sales job of cutting the deficit

February 2011: The Bowl Championship Series
The NCAA's system of deciding a college football champion manages to be both widely unpopular with the public and a blatant violation of anti-trust law

March 2011: Hosni Mubarak
Deposed dictator is the face of authoritarianism in the Middle East that has finally faced a deserved revolt of the masses

April 2011: Scott Walker
Wisconsin Republican governor who is now leading the battle against the rights of public workers to collective bargaining

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