Sunday, August 21, 2011

Everybody Hates Obama (But Hate Congress Even More)

Normally this would be really bad news politically: with less than 15 months to the 2012 election, Barack Obama is less popular than ever according to Gallup, with his daily tracking poll dropping below 40 percent for the first time August 11-13.

Why this isn't too bad: Congress has an even lower approval rating, with both a CNN and CBS/NY Times polling listing them at 14 percent and a Fox News poll having them come in at 10. Both the GOP and John Boehner are nosediving to 33 percent each, while Democrats are actually rising to 47. Which means Obama's strategy to scare voters into voting for him over the crazy Republicans may still work...

Gallup: Obama job rating sinks below 40% for first time
Michael A. Memoli
August 14, 2011,0,2481281.story

Americans' views of Congress reach historic lows
Michael A. Memoli
August 12, 2011,0,4415193.story

1 comment:

  1. Your readers might enjoy this video.
    "Obama Hates Congress!"


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