Friday, December 23, 2011

A Rick Perry Christmas Prayer

Greg Palast Saturday, December 10, 2011

Rick Perry's right when he says, "Something's wrong when gays can serve openly in the military but kids can't pray openly in school."

What's wrong is that they're missing their copies of Vultures' Picnic. In fact, once my twins took a copy of Vultures' Picnic to school, all the kids began praying openly — for an end to cuts in the school budget!

Want to roast Rick Perry's chestnuts on an open fire?

Then get the man a copy of Vultures' Picnic for Christmas. Make a minimum $60 tax-deductible donation to the Palast Investigative Fund and I will send you a signed copy of the hardbound book the One Percent really doesn't want you to read.

I will sign Vultures' Picnic to you ... or to anyone you are gifting. Send one to "Gov. Rick" or to your pinhead cousin who says over the Christmas turkey, "I don't know why those hippies are sitting in tents on Wall Street and blah blah blah." Just hit him on the head with the hardbound copy (metaphorically speaking) — with the book that Amy Goodman says explains WHY we occupy.

And why not put a little Palast under the Chanukah bush? Take Mike Malloy's advice, "you absolutely MUST get this astonishing book, Palast's best," and, as a thank-you bonus, we'll send you the links to the way-cool companion videos to Vultures' Picnic. Amazon and B&N charge extra for these. But hey, it's Christmas.

Your tax-deductible donation keeps us alive. Did you see our Democracy Now! report on Goldman Sachs beating the hell out of the Occupation's credit union? Our report from the Congo? We DONATE all of these films to Amy Goodman. But it all comes to an end if we can't pay the legal bills and the light bills and for the flights to the Congo.

We really, truly need your gift this holiday time. Check out all the other gifts of books and DVDs. And consider a year-end tax deductible donation.

This year, make your holiday giving make a difference.

Mitt Romney's billionaire, Paul "The Vulture" Singer, is threatening us "We've got a file on Greg Palast." Of course he does. So is Goldfinger's buddy (yes, there really is a Goldfinger and he's in chapter one, which you can download here). The real Goldfinger makes the movie one look like, well, Santa Claus.

Get the file on them: my book, Vultures' Picnic: In Pursuit of Petroleum Pigs, Power Pirates and High Finance Carnivores.

And let's spend the holiday together. I will be in Burlington, Vermont, this Monday night (Dec 12) and in Atlanta, Georgia, on Thursday, the end of the Vultures' Picnic tour. Info here.

Greg Palast

Palast's reports can be seen on BBC Television Newsnight, on Democracy Now!, and in The Guardian.

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