Konformist Review
Robert Sterling, Konformist.com
I remember as a kid in 1979 viewing the "documentary" The Late Great Planet Earth at the Century 21 Theater in San Jose, narrated by no less an esteemed individual as Orson Welles. (This, along with him doing the voice for Magnum P.I.'s Robin Masters and commercials for both Paul Masson wine and the Dark Tower board game, was my early exposure to the cinematic master.) Like the Star Wars Trilogy, a movie theater next to the Winchester Mystery House was the perfect place to see the film. Based on the best-seller by Christian fundamentalist Hal Lindsey, it was incredibly frightening, depressing and filled with doom, warning the audience they were facing Armageddon if they didn't listen to a God whose views were identical to Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson. Okay, so it wasn't the most logically cohesive documentary ever made, but you had to give it credit: in an era of The Shining, The Omen and Suspiria, it held its own in its ability to scare the fuck out of viewers.
2012: Science or Superstition, by the Disinformation Company, lacks the guilty pleasure quality of The Late Great Planet Earth. 2012, after all, isn't a shameless dive in paranoia and apocalyptic fear that made Lindsey's doc such a fun trip. Instead, it is a thoughtful examination of the different views and opinions on what lays in store for Planet Earth on 12-21-2012, when the Maya calendar predicts the end of time.
That doesn't mean there isn't some scary shit in it. Much of the documentary focuses on a theory that argues our sun has an evil twin - a twin that's coming to Earth December 2012. When it hits, we'll have a disaster on our hands worthy of a Michael Bay blockbuster with bitchin' CGI special effects. (Of course, this proves God doesn't have perfect foresight after all: shouldn't he have realized the destruction of mankind is the ultimate summer popcorn flick?) Other theories pursued are a change in the planet's magnetic fields or solar blasts. Pretty cool stuff, indeed.
But in the end, 2012 is not a gloomy forecast of mass annihilation, but rather a pretty upbeat journey. It's not so much a Black Sabbath song as the B-52s "Love Shack" - the upside of the end of time. It's really an end of an age that is coming at this date, the documentary argues, and the endtime is more metaphorical for a transformation in humanity. (I'm sure the Obama cultists will use this as further proof on how "transcendental" Barky is.)
For fans of the cult TV show Disinfo Nation (and count me as one) the style will seem familiar, which is certainly a plus. This is not merely because Disinformation produced both, but because the dude who shot and cut Disinfo Nation, Nimrod Erez, is the director here. (Doing a Robert Rodriguez impersonation, he also did cinematography and film editing duties here.) It also includes an awesome cast of experts, including Robert Bauval (The Orion Mystery, The Egypt Code), Graham Hancock (Supernatural, Fingerprints of the Gods), Jim Marrs (Alien Agenda, Rule By Secrecy) and Douglas Rushkoff (Cyberia, Media Virus.) A pretty eclectic collection and 2012 definitely was a mind-expanding journey for this viewer. Apparently, I'm not alone, as 2012 hit number one on Apple iTunes documentary charts and the top ten on the New Releases list. Looks like there is a market for a smart documentary about apocalyptic visions after all. Swallow that, Hal Lindsey!
Genre: Documentary
Street date: January 27, 2009
Sug. Retail Price: $19.95 (DVD) / $9.99 (iTunes)
Catalog #: DIS051
UPC #: 826262005191
Running Time: 78 mins. + extras
The NEWEST Pretrib Calendar
Hal (serial polygamist) Lindsey and other pretrib-rapture-trafficking and Mayan-Calendar-hugging hucksters deserve the following message: "2012 may be YOUR latest date. It isn't MAYAN!" Actually, if it weren't for the 179-year-old, fringe-British-invented, American-merchandised pretribulation rapture bunco scheme, Hal might still be piloting a tugboat on the Mississippi. roly-poly Thomas Ice (Tim LaHaye's No. 1 strong-arm enforcer) might still be in his tiny folding-chair church which shares its firewall with a Texas saloon, Jack Van Impe might still be a jazz band musician, Tim LaHaye might still be titillating California matrons with his "Christian" sex manual, Grant Jeffrey might still be taking care of figures up in Canada, Chuck Missler might still be in mysterious hush-hush stuff that rocket scientists don't dare talk about, John Hagee might be making - and eating - world-record pizzas, and Jimmy ("Bye You" Rapture) Swaggart might still be flying on a Ferriday flatbed! To read more details about the eschatological British import that leading British scholarship never adopted - the import that's created some American multi-millionaires - Google "Pretrib Rapture Diehards" (note LaHaye's hypocrisy under "1992"), "Hal Lindsey's Many Divorces," "Thomas Ice (Bloopers)" and "Thomas Ice (Hired Gun)," "LaHaye's Temperament," "Wily Jeffrey," "Chuck Missler - Copyist," "Open Letter to Todd Strandberg" and "The Rapture Index (Mad Theology)," "X-Raying Margaret," "Humbug Huebner," "Thieves' Marketing," "Appendix F: Thou Shalt Not Steal," "The Unoriginal John Darby," "Pretrib Hypocrisy," "The Real Manuel Lacunza," "Roots of (Warlike) Christian Zionism," "America's Pretrib Rapture Traffickers," "Pretrib Rapture - Hidden Facts," "Dolcino? Duh!" and "Scholars Weigh My Research." Most of the above is written by journalist/historian Dave MacPherson who has focused on long-hidden pretrib rapture history for 35+ years. No one else has focused on it for 35 months or even 35 weeks. MacPherson has been a frequent radio talk show guest and he states that all of his royalties have always gone to a nonprofit group and not to any individual. His No. 1 book on all this is "The Rapture Plot" (see Armageddon Books online, etc.). The amazing thing is how long it has taken the mainstream media to finally notice and expose this unbelievably groundless yet extremely lucrative theological hoax!
2012: Science Or Superstition Movie is a documentary movie. If one believes the sophisticated Long Calendar created by the ancient Mayans of Central America, the end of the world will occur on December 21, 2012. But what exactly will happen on that date? But how much of this is science, and how much is superstition? You must watch 2012: Science Or Superstition movie and see what the scientists think??
very great film, great technology making. Four thumbs up ^_^
I truly believe that we have reached the point where technology has become one with our society, and I am fairly confident when I say that we have passed the point of no return in our relationship with technology.
I don't mean this in a bad way, of course! Societal concerns aside... I just hope that as technology further innovates, the possibility of uploading our memories onto a digital medium becomes a true reality. It's a fantasy that I daydream about almost every day.
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