Ego, False Personality and ELFs
Jaye Beldo
(editor's note: This article is from the 7-02 edition of Lone Nutter News. I go into much greater detail
in regards to this phenomena in Autobiography of a Monarch Butterfly)
Recently I've gained insight into why there is so much friction between spiritually sensitive people, artists, musicians and other folks aspiring to connect with something more evolved, creative and proactive. I believe that a great deal of effort is being put into a form of mind control that activates our false personalities/egos. When I say 'false personality' I mean that part of ourselves consisting of belief systems, social and educational conditioning that we have acquired while growing up. The writer A.H. Almaas describes the false personality as a kind of empty shell which becomes pronounced especially during meditation. Whenever we say someone is 'hollow' we really mean that they are completely identified with their shell and not their essential being, which is something alive, warm and pliable. Unfortunately, we all have this shell in various degrees of thickness, no matter how much spiritual or other transformational work that we have done. Wilhelm Reich called this shell 'character armor' which consists of stored trauma in the physical body and contributes to much defensiveness and repression in the individual.
I believe that this shell can be activated electromagnetically through sophisticated mind control technology to make us feel even more separate, different, superior, stronger, more special, more intelligent than those around us. If we are all feeling this way simultaneously, god forbid, we have no choice but to clash with one another and not come to any positive resolution or game plan consensus. I believe that various nation states have similar shells around them and are pitted against one another on an ongoing basis. India vs. Pakistan, Palestine vs. Israel being two of many examples. If we can understand microcosmically the manipulations at hand within ourselves and those around us, we can better appreciate the potential we have to shift the macro-tragedies at large to something more life oriented.
In meditation, I've experienced this kind of ELF (extremely low frequency) manipulation as coming up through the feet and tightening up the ankles. What this does is cause a sense of ungroundedness and lack of connection with the immediate environment. Then a general activation of the shell occurs and whatever essence, life force a person has becomes seemingly unavailable if not totally used up. The feeling is indeed of a literal kind of hollowness and inability to relate to others. A feeling of fear lies just in the background of awareness, never manifesting in anything obvious like panic, but more like an undefinable malaise which makes it easier to project upon others.
Intuitively, I've also seen these kind of MK holograms which are inserted into groups of people and activated. This causes much discord between members of the group since the false personalities are activated, exaggerated and the group's overall purpose, intent is obscured. Entities then feed off the anger, frustration resulting from the manipulations which are intended to remain unconscious.
Stay tuned to LNN as I plan on writing a more extensive article on this phenomena and offer ways that we can counter the effects of ELFs, holograms, miasms and other unsavory elements of the mind control game.
(C)2002 Jaye Beldo
Jaye Beldo is the author of Autobiography of a Monarch Butterfly
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